Table 2-1.--List of Federal Supply Groups and Titles--Continued
Nonmetallic fabricated materials
Nonmetallic crude material
Metal bars, sheets, and shapes
Ores, minerals, and their primary products
cataloging, identification, determination of
requirements, procurement, inspection, storage,
and distribution of categories of material.
Technical responsibility: This is the systems
command or office that determines the technical
characteristics of equipment. For example, the
electronics equipment characteristics include
arrangement of components.
Expense type item: This term identifies stock
items that are financed by the Defense Business
Operating Fund, and are the same as NSA items.
Consumable: Consumable material is material
that is consumed in normal use. Some of the
examples of these materials are paints, cleaning
supplies, office supplies, and common tools.
Material Control Codes
A Material Control code (MCC) is a single
alphabetic character assigned by the inventory
Figure 2-2.--An example of a National Stock Number.
manager. It is used to segregate items into manageable
the user's operating funds. If the material was
groupings (fast, medium, or slow movers) or to relate
bought for a purpose other than its original
to field activities special reporting and control
appropriation, the material is chargeable to the
requirements. Refer to Supply Appendices of
user's fund.
NAVSUP P-485 that provides a listing of material
control codes. The MCC occupies card column 73 of
Navy Stock Account (NSA): The NSA consists
the transaction detail card or MILSTRIP requisition.
of all material paid from the Defense Business
Table 2-3 contains a list of material control codes
Operating Fund (DBOF). NSA material is
commonly encountered by the SK.
always charged to the user's allotment, operating
budget, or operating target funds.
Federal Supply Classification
Inventory manager: This is an organizational
unit or activity within the Department of
The Federal Supply Classification (FSC) is a
Defense. The inventory manager has the primary
four-digit number that occupies the first part of an
responsibility for controlling the functions of
NSN. The Defense Logistics Agency Cataloging