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numerical limitations. Examinations for paygrade
E-3 are available from the Naval Education and
Training Program Management Support Activity
(NETPMSA) in Pensacola, Florida. Apprenticeship
examinations are graded by the administering
command. There are no examinations for paygrade
Paygrades E-4 through E-9. Enlisted personnel
competing for paygrades E-4 through E-7 must take
the fleetwide advancement-in-rate examination
developed by NETPMSA and administered by
examining boards located at the various ships and
shore activities. NETPMSA grades E-4 through E-7
examinations. Eligible personnel are advanced to E-4
through E-6 to fill Navywide vacancies on the basis of
their final multiple score consisting of factors such as
examination scores, length of service, awards, and
performance evaluation marks.
There are no
examinations for E-8 and E-9 personnel.
Advancement to paygrades E-7 through E-8 is
accomplished by selection boards convened annually
by the Chief of Naval Personnel.
Special programs provide other methods of
advancement or change in rating.
For more
information on the Navy Advancement System, refer
to the Advancement Manual, BUPERSINST 1430.16.
The Department of the Navys equal opportunity
policy provides equal treatment and opportunity to all
Navy members. This policy is carried out without
regard to race, color, religion, gender, age, or national
The Command Managed Equal Opportunity
(CMEO) Program assists commands in supporting the
Navys equal opportunity (EO) policy. It is a
management system that is responsive to higher
echelons but controlled primarily at the command
level. The four basic elements of the program areas
are as follows:
Command training team (CTT).
conducts the Navy Rights and Responsibilities
(NR&R) Workshops. These workshops present
training on equal opportunity principles and policies,
sexual harassment prevention, and command-specific
Command assessment team (CAT). The CAT
conducts the annual command assessment. This
assessment focuses on equal opportunity personnel
management practices. It also reveals problems or
issues not directly related to equal opportunity that
impact on the quality of life within the command. The
command assessment also collects data on retention,
advancement, and discipline. The CAT obtains
additional data from interviews, observations, and
Action planning. Once the command identifies
issues, it needs a systematic approach to address these
problems. The CAT defines and analyzes the problem
and recommends courses of action. The selected
courses of action are then developed into a plan of
action and milestones (POA&M).
Inspections. Immediate superiors in command
(ISIC) inspect each commands equal opportunity
program as a special interest item during subordinate
command inspections.
They conduct these
inspections as part of the Naval Command Inspection
Another important program used to promote
equal opportunity in the Navy is the Navy Affirmative
Action Program (NAAP). The NAAP is a continuing
program of goals and actions with realistic
milestones. Affirmative action consists of the
positive steps the Navy must take to correct or
eliminate discrimination over a certain period.
Therefore, as specific actions are completed, they
require continued monitoring to ensure the Navy does
not regress. The NAAP is revised as appropriate after
each annual equal opportunity assessment.
Equal opportunity is essential to Navy leadership.
It must exist at every level of the chain of command.
It is an integral part of the Navys commitment to
pride, professionalism, and personal excellence.
Equal opportunity improves the quality of life for all
Navy personnel, increases combat readiness, and
contributes to mission accomplishment.
To be an
effective officer, you must set an example in equal
opportunity for your subordinates to follow. Refer to
OPNAVINST 5354.1 for more information on the
Navys policy on equal opportunity.
The Navy depends upon custom and tradition to
define the bounds of acceptable personal relationships
among its members. Proper social interaction among
officer and enlisted members is encouraged as it
enhances unit morale and esprit de corps. At the same
time, unduly familiar personal relationships between