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Page Title: Computation of TLA Entitlement
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MEMBER DETACHES FROM A SHIP AWAY FROM HOME PORT.— While a ship home-ported outside CONUS is away from the home port, a member who detaches on PCS orders from the ship to the home port is entitled to TLA in his or her own behalf unless he or she is entitled to per diem. If the member is entitled to per diem at the home port, no entitlement to TLA  exists  for  the  member.  Only  the  dependents occupying temporary lodgings at the home port are considered  for  TLA  purposes. Computation of TLA Entitlement The computation of TLA is the same whether the member  and/or  dependents  are  arriving  or  departing. The   computations   are   normally   done   in   10-day increments (15 days when determined to be appropriate by the TLA approving authority) or less when TLA entitlement ceases to exist before the end of that period. Figure 8-6 shows the step-by-step procedure you should use to compute TLA. Figures 8-7 and 8-8 are examples of  TLA  computations. COMPUTATION  OF  TLA 1.  DETERMINE  THE  PERCENTAGE  TO  BE  USED  BASED  ON  THE  NUMBER  OF  INDIVIDUALS:  Your first step is to establish a percentage based on the number of individuals according to the following facts: NUMBER OF PERSONS, INCLUDING MEMBER, PERCENTAGE IN FAMILY OCCUPYING TEMPORARY LODGING: APPLICABLE: Member or one dependent 65% Member and one dependent, or two dependents only 100% For  each  additional  dependent  under  12,  add 25% For each additional dependent 12 and over, add 35% 2.  DETERMINE  THE  MEALS  AND  INCIDENTAL  EXPENSE  (M&IE)  EQUIVALENCY:  Multiply  the percentage  computed  in  step  1  by  the  M&IE  rate  prescribed  in  the  JFTR,  Volume  1,  appendix  B,  for  the member’s  PDS. 3. DETERMINE THE GROSS DAILY EQUIVALENCY: Add the result from step 2 to the actual daily lodging cost. Receipts, invoices, or statements from the provider of the lodging are required to verify lodging expenses.  If  the  member  is  in  a  per  diem  status,  only  half  of  the  lodging  expenses  will  be  applied  for  the dependents’ TLA. Lodging costs are not allowed when the member or dependents are staying with friends or  relatives. 4.  DETERMINE  THE  NET  DAILY  EQUIVALENCY:  Deduct  the  total  daily  allowances  for  BAQ  or FSA—Type I (as applicable), BAS, and VHA (Alaska and Hawaii only) from the result in step 3. Do not deduct with dependent BAQ or VHA if the claim is for the member only. Do not deduct BAS when it is not paid or when only the dependents are entitled to TLA. 5.  DETERMINE  THE  MAXIMUM  TLA  ALLOWANCE:  Multiply  the  percentage  from  step  1  times  the locality per diem rate in the JFTR, appendix B. 6. DETERMINE THE APPLICABLE DAILY RATE: Compare the amounts found in steps 4 and 5. Pay the lesser of these two amounts for each day. When temporary lodgings have facilities and spaces for preparing and consuming meals, as determined by the designated representative, the daily rate of TLA will be computed with the following modifications: a. Substitute one-half of the M&IE amount in the JFTR, appendix B, for the locality M&IE rate in step 2. b. Determine the maximum TLA allowance for use in step 5 by multiplying the percentage determined in step 1 by the total of the lodging amount and one-half of the M&IE in the JFTR, appendix B. Figure 8-6.—A step-by-step procedure for computing TLA. 8-13

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