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ratings. NETPDTC will provide one copy of the
profile form for each candidate. Copies of profile
forms are NOT retained by NETPDTC. The
Examination Profile Information Forms are delivered
and explained to each candidate by the ESO or an
examining board member. Candidates who take the
late examinations receive profile information in the
Data Mailer (fig. 6-12).
The Examination Profile Information Form shows
a complete breakdown of every factor that makes up
the Final Multiple Score (FMS). It contains the
candidates exam score, performance mark average,
service in paygrade, length of service and awards. The
profile form also reflects PNA points, if any, earned by
the candidate during the current examination cycle or
previous cycles. It does not indicate the FMS for a
member who fails the examination or participates for
lateral conversion. It also doesnt list the FMS if a
member is in a discrepancy status or if the examination
has been invalidated.
The Examination Profile Information Form is
developed from an analysis of the overall examination
results in each rating. The profile form will break
down the candidates performance in each topic area
on the exam. This breakdown will show the number of
questions that were asked, number the candidate got
correct (raw score), and a percentile standing that tells
how the candidate performed on each area relative to
others that took the same exam. For comparison, the
profile form gives the same data for the average
candidate that was advanced. This will provide a
Figure 6-12. Data mailer.