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Enlisted Safety Committee
The Enlisted Safety Committee makes
recommendations about the command’s safety program
to the Safety Council. The safety committee convenes
to exchange information; improve communications;
review conditions, mishaps, and injuries; and suggest
improvements. It makes written safety recommen-
dations to the Safety Council and the commanding
officer. These meetings convene at least quarterly to
enhance interdepartmental communication in mishap
prevention at division and work center levels.
Committee membership is as follows:
Command safety officer (senior member)
Division safety petty officers
Chief master-at-arms
On small ships, with less than 300 crewmembers,
the Enlisted Safety Committee may be incorporated into
the Safety Council. Since submarines are not required
to appoint safety petty officers, they are not required to
have an Enlisted Safety Committee.
Individual Crewmembers
Safety program success depends on all-hands
cooperation and support. The best safety program
cannot prevent mishaps if the crew does not comply with
safety precautions. All hands must follow posted safety
precautions, comply with safety standards, and report
unsafe or unhealthful conditions. They must report
injuries and material damage immediately to their
Safety Department Organization
Ships with a primary duty safety officer will have a
safety department. This department, headed by the
safety officer, may have an assistant safety officer and
other safety assistants assigned. Aircraft carriers have
an aviation safety officer, usually a Commander,
assigned as department head and an industrial hygiene
officer assigned as the assistant safety officer. A carrier
may have 5 to 10 additional safety assistants assigned,
depending on its size and requirements. Large
air-capable surface ships (LHDs, LHAs, and
amphibious transport docks [LPDs]) normally have a
lieutenant or lieutenant commander assigned as the
aviation safety officer, with one to three assistants.
Tenders have an industrial hygiene officer assigned as
the safety officer, with one to five safety assistants.
Safety department manning varies between ships.
During some special events, such as overhauls or
deployment, the ship may assign additional personnel to
the safety department.
The goal of any safety program is to enhance
operational readiness. We enhance this readiness by
reducing the frequency and severity of on- and off-duty
mishaps to personnel. In addition, we must reduce the
cost of material and property damage attributed to
mishap causes. How do we do that? We must instruct
each person in the command on general safety
precautions. These precautions include mishap
prevention and instructions on special hazards found in
the daily work environment. We must also ensure
continuing action and command interest in mishap
prevention. Finally, we must evaluate the effectiveness
of the program.
Echelon-Two Commands
Within echelon-two commands, such as BUMED,
Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), and Naval
Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), authority and
responsibility for performing the staff NAVOSH
functions are under a separate Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH) office. A civilian safety professional
heads the OSH office and reports directly to the
commander of the systems command. The civilian
safety professional’s duties are similar to those of the
afloat safety officer in providing safety information and
evaluations for the staff. The OSH office may also serve
as technical advisor to the CNO on NAVOSH-related
Shore Activity OSH Offices
Each shore activity must establish and staff an OSH
office. The OSH manager is placed on the immediate
staff of the commander, commanding officer, or director
or officer in charge. The minimum requirements for all
OSH offices include the following:
OSH Program management
OSH reviews and inspections
Deficiency abatement
Investigation and reporting of mishaps