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1-47. The  number  of  meritorious  advancements  an NRD is authorized under the REIP is based on which of the following criteria? 1. Average  enlisted  manning 2. Actual on board Manning 3. Enlisted  production  only 4. Enlisted and officer production 1-48. Production  advancements  under  the  REIP  are based on which of the following criteria? 1. Average  enlisted  manning 2. Actual on board manning 3. Accessions  and  UMG  attainments 4. Enlisted and officer production 1-49. For  those  personnel  not  eligible  to  participate  in the  E-5  or  E-6  advancement  exam,  what maximum portion of TIR may be waived to be eligible for a REIP advancement? 1. 1 month 2. 1 year 3. One third of total TIR 4. One half of total TIR 1-50. Candidates must have served in their district for what minimum period of time to be considered for a REIP advancement? 1. 12 months 2. 15 months 3. 18 months 4. 24  months 1-51. The sum of meritorious and production advancements  under  the  REIP  should  not  exceed what percentage of the average enlisted fiscal manning? 1. 5  percent 2. 7  percent 3. 10  percent 4. 12  percent 1-52. A Gold Wreath with an excellence scroll and one gold star denotes which of the following number of awards? 1-53. Final authority to approve Gold Wreath awards rests with which of the following individuals? 1. EPO 2. NRD  CO 3. CNRA 4. CNRC 1-54. Of the following infractions, which would NOT be disqualifying for Gold Wreath award purposes? 1. Nonjudicial   punishment 2. A civil court conviction for a nonminor misdemeanor 3. A  substantiated  malpractice 4. A category V investigation 1-55. Recruiters  should  write  what  minimum  number  of contracts in a consecutive 3-month period to be eligible  for  a  Gold  Wreath? 1. 6 2. 8 3. 9 4. 10 1-56. ZSs should meet which of the following objectives for 3 consecutive months to be eligible for a Gold Wreath? 1. New contract goals only 2. New contract and UMG goals 3. New  contract  and  program  goals 4. New contract and WF goals 1-57. Your EPO should be eligible for a Gold Wreath after meeting which of the following objectives for 3 consecutive months? 1. Accession  goals 2. New  contract  goals 3. DEP  slope  objective 4. All of the above 1-58. A RINC of a two-person station may earn a Gold Wreath  in  what  minimum  period  of  time? 1. 1 month 2. 2 months 3. 3 months 4. 4  months 1. 10 2. 12 3. 14 4. 16 5

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