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defined in U.S. Code, Title 39, (for example: books,
reports, contracts, drawings, etc.) are coordinated with
the transportation officer to ensure that the shipment
is by the most economical mode of transportation
Ensure all mailings destined for the same
addressee or area are consolidated by class into the
fewest number of mailings possible.
Activities generating large quantities of mail on a
consistent basis should take advantage of available
postal rate/work sharing discounts.
Q3. Mail destined for the same address or area
should be consolidated by using what method?
Express Mail is the most expensive class of mail
service offered and normally exceeds the need of most
Navy mailings. The use of this mail service should be
restricted to the following circumstances:
A mission failure will result; the Navy will incur
a s i g n i f i c a n t m o n e t a r y p e n a l t y ; o r t he
command/activity has determined that extreme
adverse effect to operations or personnel would
occur if the item is not received within 24 hours
by addressees within the Continental United
States (CONUS), Alaska, and Hawaii; or 72
hours for those APO/FPO addressees to whom
Express Mail service is provided.
Failure to report on time because of emergency
orders, missing schedules, transportation
arrangements, and so forth, would occur if the
item is not received within 24 hours by
addressees within CONUS, Alaska, and
Compelling circumstances have prevented the
item from being ready for shipment so that it can
be delivered in time using regular mail, and the
item must be received within 24 hours by
addressees within CONUS, Alaska, and Hawaii;
72 hours for those APO/FPO addressees to
whom Express Mail service is provided.
Request for the item was not received in time to
prepare shipment for arrival by the due date
using regular mail service.
Use of alternative shipping methods, such as
Federal Express, United Parcel Service,
Airborne Express, and so forth, were considered
and were deemed unsatisfactory because of one
of the following reasons:
Inability to be delivered within the required
Cost exceeds that of USPS Express Mail
Service to the addressee cannot be provided
Item being shipped is classified material
Other shipping methods are not available
USPS Express Mail will not be dispatched to
another government agency located within CONUS,
Alaska, or Hawaii on Friday or Thursday if Friday is
a national holiday. The only exception to this rule is
when the originator certifies in writing that the
material being shipped will be received by the
addressee and is required for work to be performed
before the next normal working day. Official mail
m a n a g e r s a u t h o r i z i n g a s h i p m e n t w i t h t h i s
certification will include a self-addressed, stamped
envelope marked attention OMM, and a card serving
as a receipt verifying actual time and date the package
was delivered. Upon return, this card will be attached
to the authorization memo and retained for 1 year.
Commands requiring expedited transit and
delivery of material that does not qualify for Express
Mail should examine the use of priority mail.
The OMM reviews the request to determine if a
valid requirement exists, if service is available to the
addressee, and if the packaging and labels are properly
prepared before signing as the approving official. A
copy of the request will be maintained for 1 year.
Express Mail may not be sent to ships, squadrons,
or deployable staffs/units whose official mailing
address contains an APO/FPO address.
The USPS does not deliver Express Mail directly
to the addressee at a military address. On normal
working days, USPS delivers Express Mail to the
branch post office or central Navy mail facility that
services a naval installation. Guaranteed next day
delivery is considered accomplished at this point.
On weekends and holidays, when most branch
post offices on naval installations, or central Navy
mail facilities are closed, Express Mail will be held at
the USPS central mail facility and delivered the next
normal working day.
Commands/activities using Express Mail on a
r e g u l a r b a s i s, t o t h e s a m e a d d r e s s e e , s h o u ld
periodically monitor their delivery to ensure the