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sservice is being provided. The USPS is required to
refund all charges if guaranteed delivery is not
Express Mail will be controlled by the OMM of
the host command or the command affixing the
postage using OPNAVINST 5218.7, chapter 3,
paragraph K.
Postage will be prepaid on all express mailings by
a f f i x i n g r e g u l a r c o m m e r c i a l p o s t a g e s t a m p s,
commercial postage meter imprints, or through the
establishment of an Express Mail Corporate Account.
Express Mail Corporate Accounts
Activities desiring to establish an Express Mail
Corporate Account will submit an Express Mail
Corporate Account Application, PS Form 5639, (fig.
4-2), to the post office where the express mailings will
be made. An Express Mail Corporate Account cannot
be established at a military post office. A simpler
version of this form can be found in Express M a il
Services, USPS publication 543.
An initial deposit must be sufficient to cover two
weeks average postage or $100, whichever is greater.
Thereafter, the minimum balance will equal the
amount of postage and fees for 1 week or $50,
whichever is greater.
Q4. Express Mail may NOT be sent to a ship with an
FPO address. (T/F)
Q5. Activities desiring to establish an Express Mail
Corporate Account should submit what PS
First-Class Mail may be used for mailing the
following materials:
O f f i c i a l h a n d w r i t t e n o r t y p e w r i t t e n
. Material, less periodicals (including newsletters)
and newspapers, weighing 11 ounces or less,
which cannot be mailed more economically at a
lower class of postage
Priority Mail/Priority Service
Priority is not a class of mail. It is a division, by
weight and payment, of First-Class Mail. All
First-Class Mail exceeding 11 ounces is charged at the
priority rate. The priority rate is determined by weight
and distance. The following requirements apply:
Mark all First-Class Mail charged at the priority
rate Priority Mail, using a USPS approved
priority sticker or tape. The use of priority rubber
stamps or the written word Priority on a mail
piece will not be recognized by the USPS, and
could cause the piece to be included in Standard
Mail (A) or Standard Mail (B) shipments. A
priority mail sticker should be placed on both
sides of large envelopes and on all four sides of
boxes or large packages to ensure they are
processed using the postage rate paid.
Use of a Priority Mail sticker on any mail piece
automatically denotes a minimum postage
charge equal to a 2-pound priority parcel.
Use of a specialized Priority Mail Envelope
enhances processing and reduces delivery time.
This envelope is easily recognizable by its size
and bright red, white, and blue colors. Mail
dispatched in this manner is delivered within 2
or 3 working days in 90-95 percent of all
instances to addresses within the Continental
United States. Cost is considerably less than
Express Mail and is usually piggy backed on
Express Mail shipments. Commands/activities
are authorized to use the special Priority Mail
Envelope for items requiring expedited handling
and delivery. These envelopes can be obtained
from USPS.
Priority mail may be used for mailing the
following materials:
O f f i c i a l h a n d w r i t t e n o r t y p e w r i t t en
correspondence normally sent as First-Class
mail will be sent as priority mail if the weight
exceeds 11 ounces
High-priority shipments, such as Defense Joint
Military Pay System (DJMS) documents, not
mission capable supply (NMCS), partial mission
capable supply (PMCS), casualty reports
(CASREPs), or other items critical to flying or
marine safety
Items mailed under the Uniform Material
M o v e m e n t a n d I s s u e P r i o r i t y S y s t em
(UMMIPS) with a priority designator 01 through
08 consigned to addressees located more than
300 miles from the sender