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A Bulk Permit is best suited for large mailings of
First-Class Mail weighing less than 11 ounces.
Standard Mail (A) requires calculation of postage by
both weight and distance. Use of the Bulk Mail Permit
for these two categories requires presorting into ZIP
Code zones for determination of cost.
The advantage of using the Bulk Mail Permit is the
reduction in handling an-d processing time for the
originator and USPS. This reduction in handling and
processing provides a discount on the per-piece cost.
Use of the proper permit can result in up to 24 percent
savings in the total postage cost.
When Standard Mail (A) is authorized to be sent
by permit imprint, you should prepare a PS Form
3602-R (fig. 3-9).
Commands/activities will ensure that the cost of
all contractor mailings are reported and included in the
quarterly reports.
The command OMM reviews and approves all
requests to use mail permits.
The tenant activities OMM maintains copies of
mailing permit documents for 1 year. Mail volume and
cost recorded on the documents will be reported quarterly.
Q16. What PS Form is used for bulk permit imprint
T y p e s o f p e r m i t s a u t h o r i z e d a n d t h e i r
requirements are as follows:
First-Class Mail
1. A minimum of 200 pieces or 50 pounds
2. All pieces must be identical by size and
Presorted First-Class Mail
1. A minimum of 500 pieces
2. All pieces are identical by size and weight
3. Pieces must be presorted by ZIP Code before
delivery to a U.S. Post Office
ZIP and ZIP+4 First-Class Presorted Mail
All basic requirements for presorted First-Class
Mail must bear a correct delivery point barcode
for ZIP+4. Further requirements are found in the
Domestic Mail Manual.
All Periodical publications must be authorized
m a i l i n g p r i v i l e g e s u n d e r o n e o f f i ve
qualification categories: general publications,
publications of institutions and societies,
publications of state departments of agriculture,
requester publications, and foreign publications.
These publications are subject to the general
standards outlined in the Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM) for each respective category.
Sponsors of periodical mailings will ensure that
the cognizant Defense Automated Printing
Service (DAPS) office is provided with the
appropriate permit number before using a
printing and distribution contract. Similarly,
DAPS will ensure that all sponsors of periodical
mailings are promptly notified concerning any
changes to these contracts, especially new
Commands possessing a periodical permit will:
Contact the USPS account representative to
determine if any formatting changes are
Obtain authorization to mail a publication at
periodical rates by filing an Application for
Periodicals Mailing Privileges (Requester), PS
Form 3511 (fig. 3-10), at the post office serving
the office of publication.
Pay applicable periodical application fee,
o r i g i n a l e n t r y f e e , a n d r e e n t r y f e e a s
Pay the postage at the applicable Standard Mail
(A) or(B) rate while the application is pending.
If the application is approved, a refund of
postage paid in excess of the periodical rate is
Establish Periodical rated ADTAs at the original
entry point and additional entry points.
Navy activities desiring to use MRS will obtain an
MRS mailing permit. .
To apply for a Merchandise Return Service permit,
submit a Mailing Permit Application and Customer
Profile, PS Form 3615 (fig. 3-8), to the post office
where the MRS will be returned. A fee is charged
annually on the date the permit was initially received.
In addition to the postage, a per-parcel fee is currently
charged for each item returned.