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FITREPs are subject to the Privacy Act of
1974. Report drafters and reporting seniors
r e c o r d s of
performance for their personal use as memory
aids, provided these materials are safeguarded
to prevent unauthorized disclosure, are not
circulated to anyone else, and are used openly
while counseling the officer.
seniors should retain copies of FITREPs for at
least 5 years. If requested, additional copies
of FITREPs may be provided to the officer
reported on, but may not be given or shown
to any other unauthorized person. Commands
should maintain logs of FITREPs submitted
and periods covered, but may not under any
circumstances retain copies, preparation notes,
worksheets, or any other documents relating
to FITREPs in command files.
You will be required to type forms in
conjunction with FITREPs. The requirements
for confidentiality are very strict. You must
become acquainted with the regulations
regarding FITREPs and conform with them
very carefully. You will be given drafts to
type and they must be done very accurately.
It will pay off for you to learn how to do
FITREPs neatly and with no errors.
Enlisted Performance
Evaluation (EVAL) Manual, BUPERSINST
1616.9, is the only authority used in the
preparation of enlisted EVALs and should be
consulted in every phase of preparation.
Navy Regulations require that records be
maintained on enlisted persons which reflect
their fitness for the service and performance
of duties. Enlisted performance EVALs are
used in many personnel actions, including
advancement in rate, selection for responsible
assignments and specialized training, award of
the Good Conduct Medal, qualification for
retention and reenlistment,
and charac-
terization of service upon discharge.
EVALs must cover, day for day, all
periods of enlisted service on active duty or in
drilling Reserve programs, except during
initial entry training.
As with officer FITREPs, EVALs are very
important documents in a military persons
You must handle them with utmost
caution and confidentiality.
You are required to be able to operate a
typewriter/computer and office duplicating
You should know how to give
proper routine care to any machine you
operate and should make that care a habit.
You should acquaint yourself with the
instruction manuals that came with your
equipment. Other kinds of maintenance may
be dictated by local policy. Consult with your
supervisor and those individuals in your office
maintenance for assistance.
As stated previously in this chapter, you
will be asked to perform various tasks of a
routine nature.
Keep in mind as you travel
from one command to the next, that aIl
commands, although similar in nature, will
have their own differences. The one thing
that has been stressed in this TRAMAN is, if
you dont know ASK. You are not expected
to know everything, no one does.