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As a senior Ships Serviceman, you will have
important responsibilities in the areas of receipt,
stowage, and expenditure of ships store stock.
It will be your goal to plan all these procedures
so they are done efficiently and accurately.
Receiving ships store stock on board generally
includes preparation, inspection, relocation,
stowage, processing, posting of records, and pay-
ment of dealers bills. Proper receipt of material
is vital in establishing and maintaining control of
the ships store operation. From the time mer-
chandise is ordered until it is safely stowed and
shown on applicable records, you must assist the
ships store officer in making certain all proper
control procedures are carried out.
Before the actual receipt of merchandise, there
are several matters that must be supervised.
Proper attention to each of these matters will help
you to ensure that an efficient receipt procedure
will take place.
Date and Time of Delivery
Nothing could be more embarrassing for a
ships store division than to see a truck that is
carrying the cigarette, cigar, and pipe tobacco
order drive up the pier just as the line is being
hauled in before the ships departure from port.
When you are selecting a day for delivery, you
must consult the ships operating schedule.
Dates of arrival and departure from port are
seldom desirable because of the increased
workloads on other departments. You will find
it difficult to get working parties and to allow for
the possible difference between the actual and
planned time of the ships movements. You
should also avoid days of inspections along with
weekends and holidays. In addition, you should
carefully observe the daily work schedule to find
a time of delivery that will not interfere with the
crews meal hours or liberty. Finally, you must
make certain the supply personnel required for
the actual receipt will be available.
Authorized Inspection
Before receipt of the merchandise, an
authorized inspector, either the ships store
officer or a designated representative, will be
assigned. The job of the inspector will be to pro-
ceed to the pier with copies of the procurement
document from the Outstanding Purchase Order
File or Outstanding Requisition File and to inspect
the merchandise carefully for quantity and
Working Party
Before the delivery of the merchandise, you
should notify the executive officer as to the
number of personnel you will need for a working
party. The number of personnel to be assigned
will be based on your estimate of the amount of
material to be received and the amount of
handling that will be needed to move the material
below decks. If possible, you should use person-
nel from your own department. Since, in most
cases, ships store stock is highly pilferable, you
will be able to maintain control of the stock more
efficiently by using your own people in the work-
ing party.
Routing Plan
You should design a routing plan in advance
so material can be moved to its destination as
quickly as possible and with maximum security.
In the case of large receipts, your own people will
usually be assigned as checkers and spotters. Your
people should know in advance if they are to help
check material on the pier or to stand at key places