| |
Line and Caption
Instructions for Entries
G. Other Expend-
from drink vending ma-
chines). Compute the value
of all other retail sales by
using this formula:
Total value of all other
retail sales as taken from
from the Cash from Re-
tail Sales on the Memo-
randum Cash Sales Invoice
times 87% equals the es-
timated cost of retail
(Specific examples are
included in your NAVSUP
You should note that this
formula is based on a
standard markup over cost
of 15% for a ships store.
The estimated cost of an
item will equal the retail
price of the item times
87%. For example:
Actual cost of item
times 15% markup
x 15%
equals the retail
price of the item.
Retail price of item
times 87%
x 87%
equals the estimated
cost price.
H. Balance
For the first 3 months of the
accounting period:
Enter the value of the be-
ginning inventory at cost
price plus receipts minus
expenditures (line D plus
line E minus line F minus
line G).
For the last month of the
accounting period:
Enter the actual physical
inventory at cost price.
Line and Caption
I. Over/Under
J. Outstanding
K. Monies Avail-
able for New
Stock Turn
Instructions for Entries
Enter the total value of the
total authorized inventory
minus the balance inventory
(line C minus line H). This
amount indicates whether or
not your ships store stock is
over or under authorized in-
ventory levels.
Enter the total value of all
outstanding orders for ships
store stock, as taken from
the Outstanding Purchase
Order File (SSA-11A) and
Outstanding Requisition File
At no time should the
balance inventory plus the
outstanding orders exceed
the total authorized inven-
Enter the amount over/
under inventory minus the
outstanding orders (line I
minus line J). This amount
represents the money avail-
able to you to buy new
ships store stock.
The cumulative value of
other expenditures (exclud-
ing surveys to the Navy
Stock Fund and issues to
ships use) divided by the
beginning inventory for the
accounting period equals
stock turn.
Note that the following
formula must be used for the
computation of stock turn:
Add the amounts recorded
on line G for each month
divided by line D for the first
month equals stock turn.
Inventory Control Record for
Standard Navy Clothing Stock
As mentioned earlier, standard Navy clothing
stock in the ships store normally requires a