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without Supply Corps officers are authorized to
carry confections, tobacco products, stationery
supplies, sundries, and toiletries. The quantity
specified opposite each item on the authorized list
represents the maximum stock that you should
carry at any given time for 100 people for 90 days.
You should compute the maximum stock that is
authorized for your ship based upon the number
of persons to be served by the ships store.
You should maintain Stock Tally (NAVSUP
209) cards as shown in figure 4-8 rather than Stock
Record (NAVSUP 464) cards for every item of
stock you carry. You should make a monthly
review of all such cards. For each item, the
normal amount you should order at any time is
the difference between the balance on hand and
the carrying (high) limit plus the number on hand
you estimate will be sold before the new order is
delivered. Whenever operations permit, you
should try to accomplish this type of stock
replenishment at least monthly.
If you are on an extended cruise and your ship
does not have a Navy Postal Clerk aboard, you
may sell postage stamps in the ships store. You
must sell these stamps at cost price. Procure
postage stamps only in the quantities you need
to cover anticipated sales for the period of time
in which your ship will not have U.S. Postal
Service facilities available.
On ships without Supply Corps officers,
authorized items of ships store stock can
generally be procured by any of the methods
used for ships with Supply Corps officers with the
exception of Other Appropriations. (The category
Other Appropriations generally involves transfers
from the general mess, general stores, other
government departments, or the Marine Corps.)
As mentioned previously, foreign merchandise
that appears in overseas contract bulletins may
be special ordered by the submitting of a requisi-
tion to a ship carrying the desired item in stock
or to the nearest purchasing activity ashore.
Requisitions for ships store stock should be
numbered and prepared according to NAVSUP
P-485. Such requisitions should be submitted on
a DOD Single Line Item Requisition System Docu-
ment (DD 1348) or a DOD Single Line Item
Release/Receipt Document (DD 1348-1). When
the use of one of these forms as a single line item
requisition is considered to be inappropriate, a
Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document (DD
1149) should be used.
On ships without Supply Corps officers,
only one file is maintained for all outstanding
ships store stock requisitions and purchase
orders. Also, only one requisition/receipt invoice
log is maintained, rather than two separate logs.
Refer to figure 4-9 as an example of how this
Figure 4-9.Requisition/receipt invoice log.