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As a senior Ships Serviceman, you will
probably be assigned to a commissary as a super-
visor of one of several areas. In this position, no
matter what area you will supervise, there will be
rules, regulations, and procedures. These rules will
govern the operation of your area. You will have
the responsibility of staying ahead of your opera-
tion. To do this, you must make certain that all
of your manual changes and NAVRESSO notices
are up-to-date and properly routed when they are
received. At all times, you must be aware of the
Navys policies on waste, fraud, and abuse.
Before reporting to your commissary, you
must attend one of the available schools on the
operations of a commissary. You can obtain the
dates and areas of available schools on Navy com-
missaries for your particular paygrade through
NAVRESSOs Commissary Operations Group.
Generally, first class petty officers (E-6s) and
chief petty officers (E-7s) are assigned supervisory
positions in areas of receiving, sales floor, front
end, or warehouse. There are several other posi-
tions to which you could be assigned upon
reporting to a commissary. In these positions, you
will be in constant contact with civilians who are
either vendors or customers. At all times, you
must remember your standards of conduct. Upon
checking in to your store, you will be asked to
read, understand, and sign a copy of the standards
of conduct. Be sure you read these standards
carefully and understand them before you sign.
You are expected to adhere to and promote these
At present, senior petty officers who are super-
visors in the Ships Serviceman rating are having
problems with junior personnel not understanding
the magnitude of certain legal and moral aspects,
such as accountability, responsibility, mis-
appropriation, personal loans, favors, gifts, free
merchandise, and personal gains through com-
missary business. The standards of conduct are
always posted in your store and are touched upon
in notices and instructions, but they are hardly
ever explained in detail. You, as a senior Ships
Serviceman, must assume this responsibility. You
must be accountable to yourself knowing that you
have done everything to make certain that your
people, both military and civilian, understand the
goals of the commissary and that they are
working toward those goals.
Besides on-the-job training (OJT), NAV-
RESSO conducts workshops and seminars and
provides assistance visits. Usually NAVRESSO
will offer the workshops and seminars on an as-
needed basis in order to introduce new pro-
cedures, refresh personnel in existing procedures,
and improve communications in particular areas
of commissary management. Upon request,
specialized assistance in all areas of commissary
operations is available from NAVRESSO. The
Commissary Management course is given six times
per year in Athens, Georgia, at the Navy Supply
Corps School. This course is a 4-week manage-
ment course for personnel who will be reporting
to key commissary management assignments. This
course will allow you to earn a 3113 or 3114 NEC
for Commissary or Navy Exchange.
In most cases, billets in your commissary con-
sist of department supervisory positions. In all
cases, you will need all the professional growth
you have accumulated as you have gone up the
ladder to this point in leadership. Some of the
positions in your commissary to which you might
be assigned are listed below:
Commissary manager
Sales floor supervisor
Cash cage supervisor
Office supervisor
Receiving supervisor
Produce department supervisor
Meat department supervisor
There are other positions to which you might
be assigned, but in most cases the ones listed
above are a good bet. These positions are in com-
missaries all over the world. For a current listing
of areas and positions, you should contact
RESSO will be happy to assist you. You must still
be assigned by your detailer, but the information
NAVRESSO can provide will be helpful to you
when you are discussing where you want to go
on your next assignment.