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that this type of receipt should be handled just
as though the merchandise had been physically
routed through the bulk storeroom. The only
basic difference in the routing procedure is that
the retail store operator or the Ships Serviceman
in charge of that service activity should
acknowledge receipt and custody on a copy of the
receipt document. However, the recordskeeper
should post and file this copy just as though the
merchandise had been received in the bulk
The recordskeeper should also assign an
intrastore transfer number from the Number Con-
trol Log (NAVSUP 980) to a second copy of the
receipt document rather than preparing an
Intrastore Transfer Data (NAVSUP 973) form.
The retail store operator or service activity custo-
dian should then sign the second copy of the
receipt document. The recordskeeper should post
the second copy as a breakout to the Financial
Control Record (NAVSUP 235) and the Stock
Record (NAVSUP 464). Then the recordskeeper
should file the second copy in the ships store
officers Accountability File. In a combined
operation, of course, a second copy of the pro-
curement document would not be required.
Short, Excess, or Damaged Shipments
As mentioned above, both you (as the
authorized inspector) and the storeroom custo-
dian should carefully inspect the shipment for
quantity and condition. If factory-packed cases
appear to be unopened, you can accept the
quantity shown on the outside of the container.
However, you should always check any repacked
cases and containers that have been taped shut.
Both you and the storeroom custodian should
record any discrepancies that appear in either
quantity or condition on your respective copies
of the procurement document.
(O.S.O.). If the amount of merchandise received
from another supply officer is short of the amount
shown on the receipt document, you can sign only
for the quantity you have actually received. If
merchandise from another supply officer is
damaged, you can sign only for the quantity you
actually received that was in acceptable condition.
However, because the material is already in the
Navy Stock Account (NSA) and your ship has
already been charged for the amount on the
receipt document, the recordskeeper must take up
the full value of the receipt document on the ships
records. You should expend the shortage by
survey from the Navy Stock Fund (NSF). You
should then forward an information copy of the
survey document to the issuing activity.
But what should you do when you receive a
shipment of merchandise that is in excess of the
amount shown on the receipt document? Again,
you should sign only for the quantity of stock that
you have actually received. To account for the
excess stock, the recordskeeper should prepare
and post a DD 1149 marked Gain by Excess
Receipt. You should make certain a copy of the
Gain by Excess Receipt invoice is sent to the
issuing activity for information and for other
action as deemed necessary.
FROM PURCHASE. For receipts from
commercial sources, you should sign only for the
quantity of merchandise you received that was in
acceptable condition. The recordskeeper should
post this quantity to the ships records. If there
is a difference in quantity, you should notify the
vendor as soon as possible and request a corrected
dealers bill. Other arrangements can be made,
such as replacements for damaged merchandise
or fills for shortages, but these arrangements must
be done before the completion of the receipt docu-
ment. If the corrected dealers bill is not received
within 10 days or before the ships departure, the
incorrect dealers bill should be processed for pay-
ment. The paying office will pay only that part
of the bill that agrees with the certified purchase
document. Dealers bills not subject to discounts
will be forwarded for payment within 10 days
from the date of the receipt of the material or the
dealers bill, whichever is later.
Receipts of Partial Shipments
On occasion, you may receive a shipment of
merchandise that will only partially complete an
outstanding order or requisition. You may also
suspect that the remainder of the shipment will
arrive at some future date. For example, the
invoice contained in the partial shipment may
show that the remainder of the order will be sent
later. In cases like these, you should mark
Partial Shipment on the receipt document and
show the quantities that you received. You should
then process the receipt in the regular manner.
You should use additional copies of the receipt
document for processing all subsequent receipts
of the remaining items of the shipment. (You
should use a new receiving number from the
Journal of Receipts [NAVSUP 977] for each