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and the monthly stock record review if you are
going to maintain effective stock control of all
your ships store merchandise and supplies.
Remember, the goals of stock control are to main-
tain an optimum stock level of 90 days supply
and to achieve a sales-stock ratio of 1.33 to 1.
You should consult your NAVSUP P-487 and
NAVRESSO P-81 for authorized stock items and
their recommended quantities.
When it comes to actually selecting merchan-
dise for stock, you must consider several factors
so you can provide your customers with a satisfac-
tory selection.
As a senior Ships Serviceman, you should
always be alert to the preferences of your crew
members. You should frequently question the
ships store operator as to the over-the-counter
comments of crew members concerning the ships
store merchandise. But, you should also in-
formally or formally (by means of a question-
naire) seek the opinion of individual crew
In addition to the preferences and responses
of your customers, you also have a considerable
amount of technical assistance available to you
for the selection of your ships store merchandise.
NAVRESSO Publication No. 81
You should use this publication to supplement
the information in your NAVSUP P-487. Items
in NAVRESSO Publication No. 81 are based
upon consumption factors per person per month,
which were derived from an analysis of actual
sales for an 8-month period (deployed and in port)
in ships stores. (These data were received from
various hull types which include both Atlantic and
Pacific Fleet ships.) Consumption data for
NAVRESSO P-81 will be collected periodically
and the results of future analyses will be shown
in terms of support for 90 days for various com-
plements. Multiples of quantities shown should
be used to arrive at the quantities to be stocked
for your individual ship.
Your NAVRESSO Publication No. 81 also
contains the following information.
Denotes inventory limitations
Discusses the five Rs of retail merchandis-
Lists dos and donts of sales and sales
Provides popularity percentages for broad
categories of items, such as candy and
shaving cream
Recommends stocking plans for ships
stores afloat (90-day stock)
As mentioned before, the maximum dollar
value of ships store stock that you carry on your
ship should not exceed 54 times your current
officer and enlisted allowance, including em-
barked staffs, embarked air groups, Marine Corps
detachments, and passengers, or the highest
onboard personnel count, whichever is greater.
This calculation will allow for a 90-day supply of
stock. Remember, there are items that are called
never-out items and should be maintained in
stock at all times. These items are identified in
your NAVRESSO P-81. Pay close attention to
your never-out list and the recommendations in
NAVRESSO P-81, and make all changes as
needed. In fact, your development and main-
tenance of a basic stock list will provide you with
an essential management tool you can use to pro-
mote an effective ships store.
Many of the luxury and semiluxury types of
items (watches, jewelry, and so forth) are listed
in your Ships Store Afloat Catalog (SSAC). The
buying guides contained in your SSAC will specify
types, brands, colors, or other details you must
have to complete an order. Your SSAC is con-
stantly being updated with new styles and types
of items to make it easier for you to keep your
store updated.
Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning
Guide Overseas (CARGO)
Whenever your ship is deployed, you must use
your Consolidated Afloat Requisitioning Guide
Overseas (CARGO) to requisition standard
laundry chemicals and standard Navy clothing
stock. You will find that the national stock
numbers are listed in chapter 2 of the CARGO.