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The Navys policy on drug and alcohol abuse is
zero tolerance. The abuse of alcohol and drugs
by Navy members can seriously damage their
physical and mental health, may jeopardize their
safety and the safety of others, and can lead to
criminal prosecution and discharge of Navy
members under less than honorable conditions.
Furthermore, drug and alcohol abuse is inconsistent
w i t h N a v y i n i t i a t i v e s t o p r o m o t e p e r s o n a l
excellence among its members.
Enhanced detection and deterrence are the major
elements underlying the Navys approach to its drug
and alcohol abuse problem.
This approach
emphasizes the firm, constructive use of discipline,
preventive education, rehabilitation, and the
expeditious processing for separation of certain
abusing members.
Take an active role in educating your people on
the pitfalls of alcohol and drug abuse. Explain to
them the devastating effects it has on the Navy, the
family, and the individual. Make yourself aware of
the extent of the problem and of the Navys drug and
alcohol abuse policies and related programs. Refer to
OPNAVINST 5350.4 for more information regarding
the Navys policy and programs on alcohol and drug