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established  by  and  for  Navy  spouses.     Every  Navy spouse is automatically a member of the NWA with no registration requirement or membership fee. NWA  solicits   views,   shares   solutions,   and supplies   information   about   military   life   to   help spouses    cope    with    changing    environments, separations  from  loved  ones,  and  shifting  roles  of responsibility.    By  serving  as  a  point  of  contact  for military  spouses,  the  association  enables  spouses  to join  together  and  help  each  other,  which  fosters  a sense of belonging. The NWA can help spouses find the right source of  help  in  time  of  need.    The  NWA has  a  variety  of informational  pamphlets  available  to  spouses.     For information,   write   NWA,   Washington   Navy   Yard, Bldg.  172,  Washington,  DC    20374.    You  can  reach the NWA by phoning commercial:   202-433-2333 or Defense Switched Network (DSN):   288-2333. HEALTH AND PHYSICAL READINESS People  in  the  Navy  and  people  in  the  civilian community   share   common   health   and   physical problems caused by desk jobs, eating too much, and not enough exercise.   Excessive body fat is a serious detriment  to  health,  longevity,  stamina,  and  military appearance. We  need  to  maintain  a  high  state  of health and physical readiness.   If we do that, combat readiness,  personal  effectiveness,  and  high  morale should follow. Health  and  physical  readiness  have  become  a matter  of  concern  to  the  Navy.    Every  Navy  person should strive to achieve and maintain a high standard of physical readiness.   Members who fail to achieve high standards hurt their units and the effectiveness of the  Navy.    Physical  readiness  training  is  a  complete conditioning program.  It includes weight control and nutrition,   high   blood   pressure   identification   and control,  stress  management,  smoking  cessation,  and back injury prevention. As  a  leader,  be  physically  fit  and  educate  your people   in   the   importance   of   physical   readiness training.  People over the age of 50 are not required to pass  the  Physical  Readiness  Test  (PRT). Refer  to SECNAVINST   6100.5   for   more   information   on physical fitness, and OPNAVINST 6110.1 for specific PRT guidance. SEXUAL RESPONSIBILITY The Navy does not require its personnel to abstain totally   from   sexual   relations. However,   it   does emphasize   the   importance   of   sexual   responsibility and the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases. Syphilis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) are all sexually transmitted   diseases. They   are   normally   spread through  sexual  contact. AIDS  can  also  be  spread through   contaminated   blood   or   the   sharing   of hypodermic  needles.    Sexually  transmitted  diseases are not spread through inanimate objects such as toilet seats, door knobs, and eating utensils. The most serious of these diseases is AIDS.   The AIDS virus attacks the body’s immune system.   That results   in   the   body’s   inability   to   fight   infection. Military persons receive live virus vaccines to protect them from certain illnesses and possible exposure to serious infections when deployed outside the United States.    These  vaccines  may  be  life-threatening  to  a person whose immune system has been damaged by AIDS.  At the present time we have no cure for AIDS. More  than  70  percent  of  all  AIDS  cases  prove  fatal within 2 years of diagnosis. All members of the Navy should be aware of the dangers of sexually transmitted diseases and methods for  reducing  the  risks  of  getting  them. The  most effective   way   of   avoiding   sexually   transmitted diseases is to abstain from all forms of sexual contact. The   next   most   effective   means   is   to   use   your intelligence by heeding the following rules: Avoid  sexual  contact  with  multiple  partners, anonymous   partners,   prostitutes,   and   other persons with multiple sex partners. Avoid sexual contact with persons who have a genital discharge, genital warts, genital herpes lesions, or other suspicious genital lesions. Avoid oral-anal sex. Avoid genital contact with cold sores. Use condoms and diaphragms in combination with spermicides. Have   a   periodic   examination   for   sexually transmitted diseases. 6-5

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