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The YN who types and prints the plan of the day The AK or AN who procures parts and supplies for  operational  commitments Ships and activities have various contact points. The size of the command, number of personnel assigned, and the  scope  of  service  provided  are  factors  that  determine how many contact points are needed. These contact points are where you, your dependents, your seniors, and your subordinates go to obtain services, advice, and answers to questions. They are important because the services  they  provide  are  important.  However,  the quality  of  those  services  is  determined  by  the  persons providing   them— YOU  ARE  ONE  OF  THOSE PERSONS. Because  “contact  point  representative”  is  a  rather long title, the word you is used in this manual when referring  to  the  person Therefore,  you may refer point  representative. SKILLS manning the contact point. to the reader or to the contact Skill is the ability to do something well as the result of talent, training, or practice, or a combination of these. A multitude of skills come into play in your day-to-day activities—military, professional, and athletic skills, just to mention a few. We   are   concerned   here   with   face-to-face,   or interpersonal, skills. These are the skills that enable you to interact effectively with people. Basically, these skills include the ability to listen to, work with, and speak to an individual as a PERSON and NOT as an inanimate object. The  structure  of  the  Navy  tends  to  foster  an impersonal attitude in its members. We never see the people who make most of the decisions that affect our lives—type  of  duty,  permanent  change  of  station,  and entitlement for medical. Our relationship with these people  does  not  involve  face-to-face  contact.  However, that is not the type of relationship that exists aboard ship or at a station. There, you are face to face with the customer;  there,  the  relationship  becomes  personal. This  personal  interaction  (action  and  reaction) requires face-to-face skills if it is to be effective. People who are the most successful in sales are normally the ones who can apply face-to-face skills. They LISTEN to customers so that they can better understand their needs; they SPEAK to the customers so that customers understand fully what they are saying. They make every effort  to  ensure  customer  satisfaction. Your effectiveness at the contact point depends on how  well  you  listen,  speak,  and  respond  to  the customer’s  needs—how  well  you  acquire  and  use face-to-face  skills. ATTITUDE Attitude can be described as the tendency to move toward a situation or away from it. It results from either a  positive  or  negative  outlook  or  feeling  toward  a subject. It involves a like or dislike (based on a habit, a previously  formed  opinion,  or  a  current  snap  judgment) for someone or something. The following illustration, provided by a television spot concerning human behavior, is a good example of a  positive-negative  outlook: Look at the glass below. Is it Do you see the filled portion or the empty portion of the glass? Do you see “what is” and resolve to make the most of it, or do you see and resent “what is not”? 1-6

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