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HM Pistol returns to BMSN Boat and Mrs. Boat.
“Boat, you are being granted emergency leave for 5
days. We hope that this will be enough time. If not, you
may request an extension. You go on with your wife in
the ambulance. Then on your way home, stop by and
pick up your leave papers—they will be on the
quarterdeck. If you would like for me to call your
neighbor and explain the situation, just give me the name
and phone number.”
True, this was a relatively minor emergency, but the
proper response to this minor emergency indicated that
proper response would be made to a major emergency
as well.
The OOD recognized and respected HM Pistol’s
responsibility as the Corpsman, and HM Pistol assumed
his responsibility easily and efficiently. HM Pistol had
confidence in his ability, but he also knew his limitations
and when to ask for help.
Very likely, he had anticipated the many situations
that could arise from having a number of people aboard
who were not familiar with shipboard accommodations,
and with this anticipation, he had also considered the
appropriate responses. After all, isn’ t that the purpose of
shipboard drills—to anticipate possible situations and to
train personnel to meet them? This anticipation is also a
valuable part of self-training—to anticipate events that
could happen and to be prepared to meet them.
Quite often, the contact point representative tends
to remain aloof from the customer with the excuse that,
“I know what needs to be done, and I’m doing it. The
customer should be interested only in results—the
mechanics are my business.” This attitude may result in
some unnecessary surprises for the customer. Since
BMSN Boat and Mrs. Boat were understandably
anxious about her condition, HM Pistol reassured them
as soon as he possibly could. In addition, he did not
restrict himself to his professional responsibility, but
extended his interest to a personal problem occasioned
by the accident.
HM Pistol’s total performance was made out-
standing by his extra steps.
Leading petty officer (LPO) Brush leans back in his
chair and surveys his smoothly functioning office. All
the baskets are empty; all the work caught up. PO Door
and SN Christmas are discussing their soon-to-be liberty
with eager anticipation. LPO Brush returns to his
paperback novel secure in the knowledge that it is going
to be a peaceful afternoon. He becomes so engrossed
that even a ringing telephone doesn’t break his trance
until the sixth ring. At that, he says, “One of you #$%&
move off your #$%& and answer the #$%& phone.”
PO Door picks up the phone. “Personnel office, PO
Door speaking . . . Whatya say, Lee?. . .”
SN Christmas looks up at the arrival of a customer.
“What can I do for you?”
“I would like to know if you can tell me the
qualifications for Radioman School?”
“They don’t need any more Radiomen.”