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Page Title: Assignment 1: 31 - 40
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1-31. Which of following events or conditions can be used to take the place of the required periodic cash verification? 1. When a transfer of accountability has occurred 2. When a disbursing on-site examination team has made a cash   verification 3. When a representative of an area audit office has made a verification 4. All of the above 1-32. The loss of at least which of the following amounts constitutes a major physical loss of funds? 1. Any amount where there is evidence  of  fraud 2. $100 3. $250 4. $500 1-33. If the appointment of an investigating officer is required because of an irregularity in the disbursing officer’s account, which of the following individuals should the  commanding  officer  appoint? 1. CWO-3 or above 2. LT or above 3. LCDR or above 4. GS-9 or above 1-34. Which  of  the  following  situations would constitute an irregularity in the  disbursing  officer’s  account? 1. A physical loss only 2. A physical loss or overage only 3. An incorrect, illegal or improper  payment  only 4. Either  an  incorrect,  illegal  or improper  payment,  or  a  physical loss or overage 1-35. When  an  irregularity  is  suspected, the  disbursing  officer  will immediately  perform  a  verification of all deputies and agents. A report  to  the  commanding  officer must be made if the irregularity has  not  been  resolved  within  what maximum  period  of  time? 1. Close of business for the day 2. 24 hours 3. 48 hours 4. Close of business for the week 1-36. A  major physical leas has occurred. The commanding officer reports the irregularity  through  the  chain  of command to which of the following officials  or  agencies? 1. Comptroller, DOD 2. Treasurer of the U.S. 3. DFAS-HQ 4. DFAS-CL 1-37. A record of all physical losses or overages  is  maintained  on  what form? 1. Statement of Agent Officer’s Account, DD 1081 2. Subsidiary Accountability Record,  DD  2667 3. Daily  Statement  of Accountability, DD 2657 4. Dsily Agent Accountability Sumnary,  DD  2665 1-38. A disbursing officer may request relief from liability for minor losses  of  funds  by  submitting  which of the following documents? 1. A formal letter request 2. A copy of the report to the commanding   officer 3. A copy of the Daily Statement of Accountability with a cover letter  explaining  the  known circumstances 4. A quarterly Minor Loss Report with  copies  of  investigative reports for any loss in excess of $25 1-39. If a minor loss of $25 or less is attributable to the disbursing officer,  an  investigation  will  be conducted by which, if any, of the following  persons? 1. The  deputy  disbursing  officer 2. The disbursing officer suffering  the  loss 3. Any agent of the disbursing officer 4. None of the above 1-40. A formal investigation of an erroneous payment is mandatory in which  of  the  following  cases? 1. The  payment  exceeds  $500 2. The  payment  exceeds  $750 3. The payment was made by the disbursing   officer 4. Fraud  is  suspected 4

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