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NOTE: Once a check has been reported as a check issue, it must  not be voided. These checks must be treated  as  spoiled  or  canceled,  as  appropriate. DOCUMENTATION.—  A check that is voided must be included on the record of checks drawn as a check issue having a zero (0) dollar value. The DO must make certain check-issue reports include the serial number and date of each voided check with the dollar amount  reported  as  zero.  When  voided  checks  are destroyed,  a  Certification  of  Destruction  must  also  be prepared. DISPOSITION.— Voided checks must be defaced and  rendered  nonnegotiable,  and  destroyed. Defacement.—  A voided check must be defaced by typing or stamping the following statement on the face of  the  check:  VOID   -   NOT   NEGOTIABLE.   NO CHECK  ISSUED  UNDER  THIS  NUMBER.  All voided   checks   must   be   stored   in   the   DO’s   safe segregated from all other checks. Destruction.— Voided  checks  must  be  destroyed locally  by  the  DO  by  either  burning,  shredding,  or pulverizing within 30 days of the date on which the check was voided. If burned, the voided checks must be completely burned. If voided checks are destroyed by shredding, the fragments must be no larger than .25 inch in width and 3.5 inches in length. Certificate of Destruction.—  Regardless  of  the method of destruction, a Certificate of Destruction must be prepared. As previously described and shown in figure 4-3 for spoiled checks, this certificate should be prepared in duplicate for voided checks. The DO and at least one witness will perform the following duties: 1. 2. 3. Examine the checks to verify they are the actual checks  to  be  destroyed. Verify  the  check  numbers  and  DSSN  with  the information   on   the   statement   of   check destruction. Sign the statement of destruction only after witnessing  the  actual  destruction. The  original  will  be  forwarded  with  the  DO’s monthly financial returns. The copy is filed with the DO’s  retained  financial  returns. AVAILABLE CHECK CANCELLATIONS Canceling an available check is simply the process of depositing an issued check back into the DO’s own official  checking  account.  A  DO  may  cancel  an available check under any of the following conditions: The  check  was  drawn  under  the  DO’s  own official checking account symbol. The check was drawn under the account of a predecessor of the same activity and symbol number. The check was drawn under an account the DO is in the process of settling. NOTE:  The  same  provisions  that  apply  to  the limited playability (negotiability) of any U.S. Treasury check must be taken into account when an available check is canceled. Under these provisions, a check that is  more  than  1  year  old  may  not  be  canceled  and deposited.  The  procedures  for  unavailable  or non-negotiable checks will be discussed later in this chapter. Authorization  and  Conditions  for Cancellation Previously,  we  touched  upon  some  of  the conditions   involving   cancellations   of   government checks.  In  the  case  of  available  checks,  any  U.S. Treasury  check  in  the  possession  of  a  DO  will  be canceled  under  the  following  conditions: When it is determined that the payee or the payee’s  estate  is  no  longer  entitled  to  the proceeds  of  the  check. When  the  determination  of  nonentitlement is  made  after  transmission  of  the  financial returns  in  which  credit  for  that  check  was claimed. When the check is for a payroll that has already been  transmitted  and  it  is  determined  the  check was not due the payee. When the check is undeliverable for 60 days after the last day of the month of issue. When the check is not over 1 year old. Cancellation  Process Available  check  cancellation  transactions  are processed in a manner similar to collections. S C H E D U L E    O F    C A N C E L E D    O R UNDELIVERED   CHECKS.—   A  Schedule  of Canceled or Undelivered Checks, SF 1098, such as the 4-9

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