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Page Title: Example of a COLA Computation
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A   sample   computation   is   shown   in   figure 8-5. TEMPORARY  LODGING  ALLOWANCE TLA is authorized as partial reimbursement for the more than normal expenses a member will incur during his or her occupancy of temporary lodgings. It is also used to help reimburse a member for the expense of meals he or she will incur as a direct result of using a temporary lodging facility outside CONUS that does not have facilities for preparing and consuming meals. General  Entitlement  Conditions The  following  situations  are  examples  of  the circumstances under which a member may be entitled to a TLA: Upon  initial  arrival  at  (reporting  to)  a  PDS outside  CONUS  and  pending  assignment  of government  quarters,  or  pending  completion  of arrangements   for   other   permanent   living accommodations when government quarters are not available, the member is entitled to a TLA. For  reasons  beyond  the  member’s  control,  a member  who  was  once  established  in  permanent quarters in the vicinity of the PDS is required to vacate these  quarters,  either  permanently  or  temporarily.  The member is then required to use temporary lodgings in the  vicinity  of  the  PDS  either  while  seeking  other permanent quarters or pending reoccupancy of the permanent quarters he or she formerly occupied, as the case may be. When a member without dependents vacates permanent  housing  because  of  a  temporary  duty assignment of 90 days or more, the member is entitled to  a  TLA  while  seeking  permanent  housing  following the temporary duty. Immediately preceding departure on PCS orders from  outside  CONUS  after  vacating  government quarters  in  connection  with  these  orders  or  after surrender  of  other  permanent  living  accommodations, a member is entitled to a TLA. While  en  route  between  PDSs,  a  member  is hospitalized and the dependents are required to use temporary  lodging  during  the  member’s  period  of hospitalization. The member is entitled to TLA for the dependents. SAMPLE COLA COMPUTATION SITUATION: A member in paygrade E-8 with 19 years service is assigned to a duty station outside CONUS for which the JFTR, appendix J, prescribes COLA Index 122. The member is accompanied by a spouse and three children. COMPUTATION: 1. The member’s annual compensation from the  JFTR, appendix L, table I, is $38,250. 2. The member’s average annual spendable income from the  JFTR, appendix L, table II, based on four dependents is $23,700. 3. The COLA Index in the JFTR, appendix J, is 122 for the member’s duty station. 4. Subtract 100 from the COLA Index of 122. You should get a remainder of 22. Converting this to a decimal produces  the  multiplier  .22. 5. Multiplying the member’s average annual spendable income of $23,700 by the multiplier of .22 results in an annual COLA of $5,214: ($23,700 x .22 = $5,214). Divide this amount by 360 and carry the result to five digits to the right of the decimal: ($5,214  divided  by  360  =  $14.48333). This gives the daily rate of the member’s COLA. Figure  8-5.-Example  of  a  COLA  computation. 8-10

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