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Page Title: Member Entitled to Per Diem for Travel Status
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In  the  following  sections,  we  will  discuss  some conditions under which TLA entitlements may begin and end. INITIAL   ASSIGNMENT.—   Generally, entitlement to TLA begins on the same date a member is authorized for the commencement of COLA or OHA. The period of entitlement upon assignment to a PDS outside CONUS requiring a change of residence will not  normally  exceed  60  days.  Since  the  senior commander  in  each  country  is  required  to  issue regulations  covering  the  administration  of  TLA  for  that country, a shorter period may apply based on local conditions.  In  addition,  the  regulations  will  designate those individuals who are authorized to approve the payment of TLA and set forth guidelines for the review of  the  necessity  of  TLA  and  for  the  economical administration of TLA payments. This will include a review  of  member’s  expenses  and  diligence  in  seeking permanent housing at the end of each 10- to 15-day period, as determined by local instructions. PERIODS IN EXCESS OF 60 DAYS.— A  period in excess of 60 days maybe authorized or approved for specific reasons in increments of 10 days or less. These reasons are as follows: Nonarrival  of  household  goods Delay  in  availability  of  or  assignment  to government quarters because of exigencies of the  Service Acts of God, fire, flood, earthquake, riot, civil unrest, or other disturbances that make normally available  or  anticipated  housing  temporarily  or permanently  uninhabitable  or  unavailable Withdrawal of housing from the market by a landlord Inability   of   member   to   secure   housing considered  by  the  housing  officer  to  be  suitable to the member’s needs, in an acceptable location, and comparable to and within the price range of housing currently being used by other members in the area Hospitalization of member or dependent(s); or curtailment  of  opportunities  to  arrange  for permanent  living  accommodations  because  the nature of the member’s assigned duties require the member to be away from the PDS (home port, if attached to a vessel) MEMBER  AND  DEPENDENTS  ENTITLED TO   MALT   PLUS.—  When  a  member  and/or dependents is/are entitled to a MALT plus a flat per diem (MALT PLUS) on the day of reporting to a new PDS,  no  entitlement  to  TLA  for  the  member  or dependents,  as  applicable,  exists  for  that  day. MEMBER  ENTITLED  TO  PER  DIEM  FOR TRAVEL   STATUS.—   In  some  circumstances,  a member  and/or  dependents  maybe  entitled  to  per  diem based on a travel status on the first day of reporting or after reporting to the new PDS. As indicated in the following  examples,  the  entitlement  to  TLA  will  vary according to the circumstances. Day of First Reporting to New PDS.— When a member and/or dependents occupy temporary lodgings on the day of first reporting to the new PDS, the member is entitled to TLA for self and/or dependents. Lodging costs incurred after termination of travel status on the day of first reporting will be included as TLA expenses. Period While Awaiting Arrival of Ship.— When a member is in a per diem status while at the home port awaiting  arrival  of  the  ship  to  which  he  or  she  is assigned, TLA on behalf of the member is not payable during the waiting period. This period will begin with the day of arrival at the home port and will extend through the day before the member actually reports aboard the ship. Except on the day of reporting to the ship, lodging costs for quarters jointly occupied by a member and dependents will be apportioned 50 percent for the member and 50 percent for the dependents (regardless  of  the  number  of  family  members). However,  on  the  day  the  member  actually  reports aboard  the  ship,  the  lodging  costs  will  not  be apportioned  and  the  entire  lodging  costs  will  be included as a TLA expense. The number of dependents occupying temporary quarters, in the area of the PDS or the home port of the ship, will determine the rate payable for the days that the member is entitled to per diem. Period of Temporary Duty or Deployment While Away From New PDS.— A member receiving TLA who is ordered on temporary duty after arrival at the new PDS or who is ordered on deployment from the home  port  may  continue  to  receive  TLA  on  the member’s behalf. The TLA expense may include the member’s share of the temporary lodging cost. This allowance  applies  when  the  member’s  military assignment requires that the temporary quarters be retained at the PDS or home port. The member’s claim must be annotated with or have attached certification ascertaining that the reason the member retained those quarters was because of military necessity and not because  of  personal  choice  or  convenience. 8-11

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