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Financial returnsContinued
Schedule of Deposit Activity, 7-15
shipping, 7-21
Statement of Accountability, 7-6
transmittal, 7-18
Fiscal year, 2-1
Five-year defense program, 2-1
Fleet Reserve Transfer Authorization, 9-8
Foreign currency, 5-1
disposition, 5-7
legal rates of exchange, 5-3
procurement, 5-1
records and reports, 5-13
revaluation, 5-5
Foreign currency reports and returns, 5-13
quarterly reports, 5-14
Statement of Accountability, 5-14
subsidiary records, 5-13
Fraudulent claims, 3-14
Funds, 2-3
Illegal, incorrect, improper payments, 1-12
Imprest fund cashier, 1-6
Irregularities, 1-11
documenting, 1-12
illegal, incorrect, improper payments, 1-12
overages, 1-13
physical loss, 1-12
reporting, 1-11
requesting relief of liability, 1-13
Limited payability of checks, 4-20
Midshipmen, 3-11
Military banking facilities, 5-3
Move-in housing allowance, 8-6
Navy Retired/Retainer Pay Data Form, 9-8
Officer separations, discharges, and retirements, 9-6
Official signatures, 1-8
OHA, 8-3
advance payment, 8-6
computation factors, 8-3
computation procedures, 8-5
Individual Overseas Housing Allowance Report,
monthly allowance, 8-3
move-in housing allowance, 8-6
recertification, 8-6
Overseas station allowances, 8-1
advances, 8-6
COLA, 8-8
concurrent payments, 8-15
general entitlement, 8-2
OHA, 8-3
terminology, 8-1
TLA, 8-10
Pay entitlements, 8-1
COLA, 8-8
OHA, 8-3
overseas station allowances, 8-1
TLA, 8-10
VHA, 8-16
Paying agent, 1-6
Per Diem, Travel, and Transportation Allowance
Committee, 3-2
Physical loss of funds, 1-12
Postal funds, 1-17
money orders, 1-17
stamp funds, 1-18