| |
Death gratuityContinued
delivery of payment, 9-12
determinations affecting entitlement, 9-10
for whom payable, 9-9
payment procedures, 9-11
personal casualty report message, 9-11
report of payment, 9-12
Debit vouchers, 1-22
Deposit of excess funds, 1-21
afloat, 1-21
ashore, 1-21
deposit tickets, 1-22
procedures, 1-21
schedule of deposit activity, 1-22
Deposit of foreign currency, 5-10
Deposit ticket, 1-22
Deputy disbursing officer, 1-4
absence or incapacity, 1-15
appointment, 1-4
approval of positions, 1-4
Disbursing officers, 1-2
absence or incapacity, 1-15
accountability and liability, 1-2
authorized actions, 1-2
authorized additional duties, 1-3
billets, 1-2
commencement of duties, 1-3
daily cash requirements, 1-19
prohibited duties, 1-3
Discharge under other than honorable conditions,
Discounts, 6-5
Dislocation allowance, 3-3
amount payable, 3-3
definitions, 3-3
fiscal year limitations, 3-3
Dislocation allowanceContinued
member married to another member, 3-5
special categories, 3-4
Disposition of foreign currency, 5-7
accommodation exchanges, 5-7
deposit to Treasury, 5-10
depositary checking accounts, 5-9
sale, 5-9
Disposition of records, 1-16
Distribution of public vouchers, 6-8
Emergency checks, 4-3
Enlisted separations, discharges, and retirements,
computation of final pay, 9-2
DFAS-CL action, 9-1, 9-6
document distribution, 9-6
documents required, 9-2
Fleet Reserve Transfer Authorization, 9-8
Navy Retired/Retainer Pay Data Form, 9-8
retired/retainer checks, 9-8
Escorts and attendants, 3-8
Exchange-for-cash check, 4-2
disbursements, 4-20
remittances, 4-19
Financial returns, 7-1
accountability reports, 7-5
assembly, 7-18
auditing, 7-22
Daily Statement of Accountability, 7-5
Daily Agent Accountability Summary, 7-6
Message Report of Statement of Accountability
and Disbursements and Collections, 7-16
package 1, 7-21
package 2, 7-21
regional centralization, 7-1