| |
Accountable positions, 1-1
agent cashier, 1-5
authorization for, 1-7
collection agent, 1-5
deputy disbursing officer, 1-4
disbursing officers, 1-2
imprest fund cashier, 1-6
paying agent, 1-6
Accounting classification code, 2-3
allotments, 2-6
appropriation, 2-4
authorization accounting activity, 2-5
bureau control number, 2-5
cost code, 2-6
country codes, 2-8
functional account numbers, 2-7
object class, 2-4
property accounting activity, 2-6
suballotment, 2-5
subhead, 2-4
transaction type, 2-5
UICs, 2-8
Active duty for training, 3-5
annual training, 3-5
less than 30 days, 3-7
more than 30 days, 3-7
Agent cashier, 1-5
appointment, 1-5
duties, 1-5
Appropriations, 2-2
accounts, 2-3
acts, 2-2
types, 2-2
Authority to hold money at personal risk, 1-18
Balancing cash funds, 7-5
Bureau of Naval Personnel, 3-1
Canceled check, 4-2
available, 4-9
procedures, 4-6
SF 1098, 4-12
unavailable, 4-12
Cancellation procedures, 4-6
Cash verification, 1-9
cash verification board, 1-9
reports, 1-9
Ca$h-Link identification number, 1-21
Checking account returns, 4-21
COLA, 8-8
computation, 8-9
entitlement, 8-8
Collection agent, 1-5
Comptroller of the Navy, 3-2
Consecutive overseas tours, 3-7
Control check, 4-2
documentation, 4-8
preparation, 4-8
restrictions, 4-7
Convalescent leave, 3-10
Daily Agent Accountability Summary, 7-6
Daily Statement of Accountability, 7-2, 7-5
Death gratuity, 9-8
beneficiaries, 9-9
Claim Certification and Voucher for Death
Gratuity Payment, 9-11