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Test grid checks are not for issue but are printed
only for government-wide use in testing and aligning
automated check writing equipment. They are white
with a non-reproducible blue test grid. The grid lines
provide the check format for testing and alignment
purposes. (Ignore the date and dollar boxes on test grid
checks because these boxes are not preprinted on
regular-issue Treasury checks.)
Unnumbered checks are regular-issue checks
without preprinted check symbol/serial numbers and
magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) encoding.
These checks are for use only by the Defense Finance
and Accounting Service (DFAS) Centers that use
special check-writing equipment.
In any disbursing activity, security and storage of
government check stock involves special requirements,
procedures, and controls.
The DO (or assigned deputy) is responsible for
keeping blank government check stock. Blank check
stock must be stored in either a Class 1 or Class 5
security container or a burglary-resistant safe.
Although the DO and a minimum number of deputies
may have access to this container, only one person
should be given the primary responsibility of
maintaining the check stock and keeping the Blank
Check Control Log (described later in this section).
Specimen checks are identical to unnumbered
checks except that each specimen check is overprinted
w i t h t h e w o r d s
S P E C I M E N C H E C K -
NON-NEGOTIABLE in the signature space.
Although they have the specimen designation printed
across them, specimen checks should be safeguarded in
the same manner as blank checks.
Emergency checks are, in reality, regular-issue
checks that Navy DOs can use when there is no other
practical way of making a payment. As the name
implies, emergency checks are used for any reason
whenever an activity requires checks in less time than
a normal requisition would take to process, order, and
deliver regular-issue checks. Orders for emergency
checks, however, must be kept to an absolute minimum
and should be placed only as a last resort.
An activity may order emergency checks from
DFAS - Cleveland Center (DFAS-CL). The order must
specify the symbol number under which the checks will
be issued as well as the name and rank or grade of the
DO. Orders are made in multiples of 1,000 and in
sufficient quantities to last until regular-issue checks
can be received. The unfilled check order number and
date of that order must also be included with the request
for emergency checks. The activity must completely
use all the emergency checks before issuing any new
stock of regular-issue checks.
The DO is responsible for making sure that storage
conditions are adequate for preserving the quality of the
blank check stock. Blank check stock is especially
sensitive to moisture, heat, and light; exposure to these
conditions will cause deterioration of the surface tint
and design. If deterioration occurs, a new supply of
checks must be procured.
There are two basic categories of blank check stock.
You will hear these categories referred to as working
stock and bulk stock.
Working Stock
Blocks of checks issued to the person responsible
for the day-today preparation of checks are referred to
as working stock. The authorized number of checks per
block issued for working stock is governed by the
volume of checks normally used. When the volume of
checks issued is small, the working stock usually
consists of 1 days supply. In disbursing offices that
issue large volumes of checks, the working stock may
consist of several days supply or may even be issued
to several assistants.
Bulk Stock
The remaining check stock is called bulk stock.
Blocks of blank checks are issued from the bulk stock
to be used as working stock.