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Accommodation ladders, 4-18
Ammunition, 6-1
classification, 6-2
color codes, markings and letterings, 6-1
identification, 6-1
magazines, 6-7
projectiles, 6-3
propelling charges, 6-6
Anchors, 4-1
anchor windlass, 4-9
chain and appendages, 4-3
heaving line, 4-12
lightweight, 4-3
mushroom, 4-3
stock, 4-3
stockless, 4-1
two-fluke balanced-fluke, 4-3
Boat booms, 4-20
Boat calls, 5-14
Boat crew duties, 5-6
boat engineer, 5-8
boat keeper, 5-8
boat officer, 5-8
bow and stern hooks, 5-8
coxswain, 5-6
Boat davits, 4-12
safety devices, 4-16
types and configurations, 4-15
Boat equipment, 5-5
upkeep and maintenance, 5-5
Boat etiquette, 5-11
Boat hails, 5-13
Boat nomenclature, 5-1
Boat operations, 5-8
hoisting and lowering, 5-8
landing, 5-9
ready lifeboat, 5-11
securing for sea, 5-11
Bow and flagstaff insignia, 5-13
Breakdown and man overboard emergencies, 2-20
Buoys, 5-26
international buoyage regions, 5-26
maritime buoyage system, 5-26
Canvas, 3-25
awnings, 3-27
grommets, 3-28
measuring, 3-25
sewing, 3-26
Cargo-handling equipment, 4-21
hand signals, 4-25
winches, 4-24
Compasses, 2-1
gyrocompass, 2-1
magnetic compass, 2-2
repeaters and pelorus, 2-4
Conditions of readiness, 1-2
Deck fittings, 4-17
bitts, 4-18
bollards, 4-18
chocks, 4-18
cleats, 4-18
pad eyes, 4-18