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instructions,  guidance  on  problem  areas,  evaluation updates, and other information and materials.   DANTES  External Degree Catalog—  Published by  DANTES,  this  guide  provides  ESOs  with  a  list  of institutions  that  allow  military  personnel  to  earn  an academic degree without residency.  Personnel may earn academic  certification  for  completion  of  high  school,  a 2-year  or  4-year  degree,  or  a  graduate  degree.    ESOs should  use  this  publication  with  the  Servicemembers Opportunity  Colleges  degree  program  for  the  Navy (SOCNAV).  The SOCNAV program consists of groups of accredited  colleges  that  offer  degree  programs  on  or accessible  to  Navy  installations  worldwide.    These colleges and universities form a network in which each accepts the college credits of the other. Q7. What  instruction  contains  descriptions  of  all Voluntary Education programs and provides the ESO specific guidance? Q8. What  publication  was  developed  by  the American Council on Education (ACE)? COMMAND PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY T h e   E S O   s h o u l d   e s t a b l i s h   a n d   m a i n t a i n   a professional library.  It should contain current copies of training manuals, correspondence courses, and essential reference material. Maintaining References When an ESO fails to maintain proper control over official  publications  and  directives,  they  will  likely become  outdated,  improperly  filed,  or  incomplete. Improper maintenance and control of publications and directives  jeopardize  routine  procedures  and  may create  unexpected  problems  or  delays  because  of inaccurate or obsolete information. A  good  method  of  keeping  publications  and directives current is to place the ESO on the command central distribution file list.  The ESO will then receive all incoming weekly transmittal sheets to review. (See fig. 1-1.)  When reviewing the sheets, the ESO should make a notation of any information he or she needs on the routing or  transmittal  sheets.    When  the  central  file  office receives  the  sheets,  it  will  provide  the  ESO  with  the information requested.  For example, in figure 1-1, the ESO would want a copy of the instruction on the LDO program. Access to References Publications  should  be  located  where  Educational Services Office workers have reasonable access to them. However, a system of control should be set up so that authorized  personnel  can  locate  publications  when needed.    Experience  has  shown  that  indexing  and cataloging of publications, as follows, is a good system, although not required: Indexing—   To  index  publications,  give  each publication  a  number  in  numeric  sequence.    Place  the number on the spine of the publication so that it is visible when the publication is on the shelf. Cataloging—   To  catalog  publications,  prepare  a master listing of the publications in numeric sequence. Place this master listing on or near the publication shelf. (See fig. 1-2.) NOTE:    Some  references  are  being  issued  on CD-ROM  only,  but  you  may  want  to  print  copies  and maintain them in a master list. Check-Out Procedures for References One  person  should  be  delegated  the  authority  for control and maintenance of directives and publications. That  person  should  set  up  a  check-out  system  for maintenance  control  of  all  reference  materials  at  all times. Another method of control is to assign maintenance of specific publications and directives to the personnel who use them routinely.  These people then make changes to the publications and directives, keep them current, and properly store them.  If this method is used, the personnel responsible  for  maintaining  the  publications  should maintain  the  master  list.     Department  of  the  Navy Directives  Issuance  System,  SECNAVINST  5215.1, contains guidelines for maintaining an effective directive system. Q9. The  Command  Professional  Library  should contain what materials? Q10.   When an ESO fails to maintain proper control over  official  publications  and  directives,  what kind of condition will they most likely become? Q11. What is considered a good system of control for the  ESO  and  authorized  personnel  to  locate publications when needed? Q12. What  instruction  contains  guidelines  for maintaining an effective directive system? 1-4

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