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Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP)
Assignment of officers to service colleges
Service record
Voluntary Education Programs in the Navy,
OPNAVINST 1560.9 This instruction provides policy,
guidance, and information concerning voluntary
education programs in the Navy.
Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP) ,
OPNAVNOTE 1530 This notice, issued annually,
announces the eligibility requirements and application
procedures for the ECP program. ECP is a program for
career-motivated personnel who have completed at least 1
year of undergraduate work and want to earn a commission
in the Regular Navy.
Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer
Programs, BUPERSINST 1131.1 These two programs
allow highly qualified and motivated senior enlisted
personnel to obtain commissions. This instruction
provides the eligibility requirements and application
procedures for both programs.
Retention Team Manual , NAVPERS
15878 This publication is available on CD-ROM and
contains a complete chapter on education programs,
commissioning programs, and information on veterans
educational benefits.
Enlisted Transfer Manual (TRANSMAN) ,
NAVPERS 15909 This publication, available on
CD-ROM, contains eligibility requirements and general
information about the following ESO areas:
Nuclear power training
Submarine training
Service schools (procedures for requesting service
school quotas and for determining obligated
service requirements for service schools)
Assignment to special programs
Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and
Personnel Classifications and Occupational Standards,
NAVPERS 18068 This manual is available on CD-ROM
and prescribes enlisted skill requirements. It is vital to all
enlisted personnel and to every command in which
enlisted personnel serve. ESOs, training officers, and all
supervisors should be familiar with the contents of this
What manual contains the procedures for the
administration of the Navys enlisted
advancement system (NEAS)?
What publication lists the latest available Navy
training manuals and correspondence courses?
How often is the Bibliography for Advancement-
In-Rate Exam Study (BIBs) posted (issued)?
You will also find the following Voluntary Education
and DANTES references helpful:
Voluntary Education Instruction , C N ET
INSTRUCTION 1560.3 This instruction is published by
the Chief of Naval Education and Training. It is stocked at
the Chief of Naval Education and Training (Code 00111),
Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida. It contains
descriptions of all Voluntary Education programs and
provides the ESO specific guidance .
DANTES Examination Program Handbook
(DEPH) This handbook contains most of the
administrative information needed for the management
and administration of the DANTES-sponsored (funded
and nonfunded) examination programs. Publishers of
various examinations issue supplemental instructions to
aid in test administration, counseling, and test
interpretation. Note that DANTES test control officers are
nominated from Navy College Office education
specialists. Also, large ships and shore stations without
Navy College Offices have designated test centers. These
centers can serve personnel only after approval by the
Naval Education and Training Professional Development
and Technology Center, (NETPDTC [N223]) and
The Guide to the Evaluation of Educational
Experiences in the Armed Services (ACE Guide) This
guide, developed by the American Council on Education
(ACE), has three volumes (volume 2 is for the Navy). It
provides information about formal courses offered by the
armed services and college credit recommendations. It
also provides recommended credit for courses completed
outside of a particular learning institution. For example, it
provides the recommended credit hours toward
postsecondary education for persons who completed PN
class A school (3 hours).
Handbook to the Guide to the Evaluation of
Educational Experiences in the Armed Services The
American Council on Education publishes this handbook.
It facilitates use of the ACE Guide, provides additional