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ECP Nuclear Option, which includes surface and subsurface. ECP  CEC  Option,  where  candidates  receive Civil Engineer Corps appointments. Primary  considerations  for  selection  is  the potential for career growth and academic capability. The  basic  requirements  a  person  must  meet  to  be eligible for these programs are as follows: Be a citizen of the United States.  Waivers will not be considered. Be on active duty as an enlisted member of the Navy, Navy Reserve, or TAR and has completed at least 4 years of service as of 1 September of the year of enrollment in ECP. Be at least 22 years of age and able to complete degree  requirements  and  be  commissioned before his/her 31st birthday. Has completed at least 4 years of active service as of 1 September of the year of enrollment. Possesses fully transferable credit (normally at least  30  credits).    College  Level  Examination Program  (CLEP)  scores  and  credit  from nonaccredited  schools  are  generally  not considered fully transferable.   Has a grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale (GPA is based on grades for all courses taken).  Nuclear Option candidates must have a grade point average of 3.0 or better.   Has  competitive  scores  on  the  Scholastic Assessment  Test  (SAT)  or  the  Enhanced American College Test (EACT) taken on or after the date specified in the current OPNAVNOTE 1530. Meets  physical  standards  as  described  in  the Manual of the Medical Department, U.S. Navy, a n d    t h e    p h y s i c a l    f i t n e s s    s t a n d a r d s    in OPNAVINST 6110.1. Has  no  record  of  court-martial  convictions  or civilian  felony  convictions.    Has  no  record  of disciplinary action under Article 15, UCMJ, or conviction  by  civil  court  for  misdemeanors (except  minor  traffic  violations)  during  the  2 years  preceding  1  November  of  the  year  of application.  (A fine of $300.00 or less, exclusive of  court  charges,  is  considered  minor.)    Any substantiated drug or alcohol abuse while in an enlisted status is disqualifying.  Exceptions will not be considered. Although  not  a  specific  requirement,  warfare qualifications will receive strong consideration as an indicator of the member’s motivation and initiative. The  selectees  for  the  ECP  are  subject  to  the following regulations: Must attend selected NROTC universities. Must pay for tuition, fees, books, and personal e x p e n s e s    ( i f    e l i g i b l e ,    m a y    u s e   VA   o r Montgomery  GI  Bill  [MGIB]  educational benefits),  but  may  not  use  Navy  tuition assistance to pay for ECP. Must complete requirements for a nontechnical degree in 30 months or less and requirements for a technical degree in 36 months or less. Must incur a 6-year active-duty obligation upon enrollment and 4 years of active commissioned service upon commissioning. ECP  selectees  are  entitled  to  the  following benefits: May  retain  enlisted  grade  and  eligibility  for advancement. May  be  designated  as  officer  candidates  and treated as prospective naval officers. May receive full pay and allowances. May  attend  Officer  Candidate  School  (OCS) upon  graduation  if  designated  as  a  Nuclear Power or Civil Engineer Corps student. The  MILPERSMAN,  Article  1530-010,  contains additional  information  on  the  ECP  Program.  Also, once  a  year  an  OPNAV  Notice  1530  announces eligibility requirements and application procedures. Q6. To  qualify  for  the  Enlisted  Commissioning Program, a person must be at least what age? Q7. What  educational  benefits  can  you  use  while enrolled  in  the  Enlisted  Commissioning Program? 3-4

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