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Q2. Prospective  NROTC  Scholarship  Program applicants must be under what age on 30 June of the year they plan to enter the BOOST program? Q3. At what location is BOOST training conducted? SEAMAN TO ADMIRAL PROGRAM Seaman to Admiral Program (STA) is a full-time u n d e r g r a d u a t e  e d u c a t i o n  a n d  f o l l o w - o n commissioning  program  available  to  enlisted personnel of the regular Navy and Naval reserve on active duty (Including Training and Administration of Reserve [TAR] Personnel).  Selectees are provided a maximum of 36 months to complete a baccalaureate degree  with  benefits  that  include  tuition,  mandatory fees, book allowance, and full Navy pay and benefits. Following  degree  completion,  selectees  will  attend Officer Candidate School (OCS) and upon successful completion  be  commissioned  as  an  officer  in  the Unrestricted Line (URL). Each year the STA program selects 50 candidates who  are  best  qualified  for  degree  completion  and appointment in the Unrestricted Line  (URL).  Names of selectees are published by an annual NAVADMIN message.  To be eligible for selection, all applicants must meet the following basic requirements: Be a U.S. citizen. Be serving on active duty in the U.S. Navy or Naval Reserve, including the TAR program, at the time of application and remain on active duty until commissioned. Be serving in paygrade E-4 or above with at least 4 years of continuous active duty service as of 30 September of the year of application. Have scored a passing grade on the most recent E-5  advancement  exam.    E-4  applicants  who have passed, but not advanced (PNA), the most recent  E-5  advancement  exam  must  submit  a copy of their exam results with their application package. Be at least 22 years old and have not reached their 27th birthday by 30 September of the year of application.  A 27-year age limit is in place to ensure  that  those  selected  will  have  time  to complete  their  baccalaureate  degree,  attend OCS,  and  be  commissioned  before  reaching their 31st birthday. Have  competitive  scores  on  the  SAT  or  ACT. Although  no  minimum  score  is  required,  SAT scores  greater  than  1000  (math  and  verbal composite) or ACT scores greater than 45 (math and  English)  will  enhance  the  potential  for selection   in   the   assigned   colleges   and universities. Be physically qualified for appointment in the Unrestricted Line (URL) per physical standards outlined  in  the  Manual  of  the  Medical Department. Meet  physical,  height/weight,  and  body  fat standards at time of application. Be a High School or GED graduate. Have no record of conviction by court-martial, NJP,  or  civil  court  for  any  offense  other  than minor traffic violations for 2 years as of  01 July of  year  of  application.    Driving  Under  the Influence  (DUI)  violations  are  not  considered minor traffic violations and are disqualifying if they occurred within the last 2 years. Be  of  good  moral  character  and  unquestioned loyalty  to  the  United  States  as  determined  by interview and investigation. Have  a  superb  performance  record  as  well  as strong academic potential and be recommended by their commanding officer. Further  eligibility  guidelines  and  application procedures  are  contained  in  a  NAVADMIN  message normally promulgated every May or June. Q4. How many persons are selected for the Seaman to Admiral Program each year? Q5. What is the maximum age limit to apply for the Seaman to Admiral Program? ENLISTED COMMISSIONING PROGRAM The  Enlisted  Commissioning  Program  (ECP) enables qualified and outstanding enlisted personnel with previous college credits to complete requirements for a baccalaureate degree in 30 to 36 months or less. They  complete  the  requirements  through  full-time study  at  designated  NROTC  colleges  or  universities a n d    s u b s e q u e n t l y    e a r n    a    c o m m i s s i o n    i n    t he Unrestricted  Line  (URL)  or  Civil  Engineer  Corps (CEC). The ECP is divided into three categories: Basic ECP, which includes all URL designators. 3-3

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