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Page Title: Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training -Continued
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The  BOOST  Program  provides  successful students  with  a  4-year  undergraduate  education.    It opens a direct pathway for enlisted personnel to attain professional status as a naval officer after graduation from college.  The BOOST Program helps personnel acquire the scholastic skills and academic credentials that place them on a par with their college-bound peers. Before  helping  personnel  apply  for  the  BOOST Program,  the  ESO  should  ensure  applicants  are genuinely interested in pursuing a Navy career.  Those persons  selected  are  expected  to  enter  college  well prepared  to  meet  the  academic  challenges  and demands of a commissioning education program. Naval Educational and Training Center, Newport, R.I., conducts BOOST training.  It provides a rigorous 10-month  college  preparatory  curriculum  consisting of mathematics, English, science, computer science, campus skills, and military training.  Individuals who graduate  from  the  BOOST  program  and  accept NROTC  scholarships  are  released  from  active  duty into  the  Naval  Reserve  and  assigned  to  an  NROTC unit.  BOOST graduates who are accepted by USNA r e p o r t    t o    t h e    A c a d e m y    f o r    P l e b e    S u m m er indoctrination. To be eligible for the BOOST Program, a p p l i c a n t s    m u s t    m e e t    t h e    f o l l o w i n g    b a s ic requirements: Be a citizen of the United States.  No waivers permitted. Have  no  court-martial  conviction  or  civilian felony  conviction.    Have  no  record  of disciplinary  action  under  article  15,  Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or conviction by civil court for misdemeanors (except minor traffic violations) during the 2 years preceding the year of application.  (A fine of $200.00 or less,  exclusive  of  court  charges,  is  considered minor.)  Any substantiated drug or alcohol abuse while  in  an  enlisted  status  will  result  in disqualification.    Exceptions  will  not  be considered. Have  no  more  than  two  dependents  if  below paygrade  E-4.    USNA  selectees  must  be unmarried with no dependents.  Marriage and/or dependents will not disqualify a selectee for the NROTC Scholarship Program. Be  within  age  criteria.      Prospective  NROTC Scholarship Program applicants must be under 22 years old on 30 June of the year they plan to enter  the  BOOST  program.    Candidates  with active  service  in  the  Armed  Forces  prior  to entering  the  BOOST  school  may  be  granted  a waiver  on  a  month-for-month  basis  for  each month  of  active  duty  up  to  a  maximum  of  36 months.      A  request  for  age  waivers  must  be addressed  in  the  commanding  officer’s endorsement.    Prospective  USNA  candidates must not have passed their 22nd birthday on 1 July of the year that they plan to enter BOOST. No age waivers are granted. Be  certified  as  physically  qualified  for  the N R O T C    S c h o l a r s h i p    p r o g r a m    b y    t he Department  of  Defense  Medical  Examination Review  Board  (DODMRB)  according  to NAVMED P-117, as described in the Manual of the Medical Department, U.S. Navy. Meet  minimum  Scholastic  Assessment  Test (SAT) or American College Testing Assessment (ACT)  Program  scores  as  published  in OPNAVNOTE 1500. Possess  a  high  school  diploma  or  a  General Education  Development  (GED)  equivalency certificate. Possess no more than 1 year, 30 semester hours or  45-quarter  hours,  of  college  course  credit. Personnel with more than 1 year are ineligible for BOOST.  No waivers will be granted.  These personnel are encouraged to apply directly for the  NROTC  Program,  the  Naval  Academy,  or the Enlisted Commissioning Program. Be serving on active duty in the Navy or Naval Reserve.  Applicants must have or be willing to obtain  36  months  of  obligated  service  as  of  1 June  of  the  year  in  which  BOOST  training begins.  Application procedures are promulgated annually in OPNAV Notice 1500. Be recommended by the commanding officer. The  MILPERSMAN,  Article  1530-030,  contains additional  information  on  the  BOOST  Program. O P NA V    N o t i c e    1 5 0 0    a n n o u n c e s    e l i g i b i l i t y requirements and application procedures each year in June or July. Q1. The  Broadened  Opportunity  for  Officer Selection  and  Training  (BOOST)  Program provides  qualified  and  selected  candidates  a special  opportunity  to  what  educational programs? 3-2

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