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month preceeding the month the exam is administered
in (1 August for the September exams). This allows
prospective candidates time to plan for completion of
the mandatory requirements such as training courses
and PARs. Though candidates must meet eligibility
requirements by the deadline, examinations may be
ordered for prospective candidates who have not
completed all eligibility requirements.
The recommendation forms should be filed for
future reference and for verification purposes.
Departments should then be notified of the ineligible
personnel and those requirements each candidate did
not satisfy.
Although candidates for senior and master chief
petty officer are no longer required to take the
advancement examination, they must meet all
e l i g i b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s . T h e s e e l i g i b i l i t y
requirements include the recommendation of the CO.
What is normally the deadline for completion of
all requirements before the examination date?
NETPDTC, Pensacola, Florida, prepares all
Navywide advancement examinations. Subject matter
experts (SMEs) in the top three enlisted paygrades
(E-7/8/9) develop advancement-in-rate examinations
for E-4 through E-7. Examinations contain 150
questions: 135 questions pertain to the rating and 15
questions pertain to general military requirements.
Rating questions are supported by occupational
standards (OCCSTDs) and military requirement
questions are supported by naval standards
(NAVSTDs). Both types of questions are also
supported by references listed in a ratings
Bibliography (BIB) for Advancement-in-Rate Study.
Who prepares all Navywide advancement
NETPDTC ships examinations only to those
activities listed with unit identification codes (UICs) in
the Comptroller Manual, Volume 2, and with mailing
addresses listed in the Standard Navy Distribution List,
Parts 1 and 2. For proper and timely distribution of
examinations, NETPDTC maintains both the UIC and
the address of the activity in an automated address file.
Commands such as PSDs that maintain service records
for other activities normally order examinations for
those activities. Parent activities (PSDs and major
commands) should verify all of the information listed
on the verification sheet, distributed annually to all
commands. Activities should then submit the
NETPDTC Automated Mailing Address Input,
NETPMSA Form 1400/1, shown in figure 6-2.
Although the verification sheet may correctly list all
UICs, commands should submit a report to NETPDTC
to verify that the listing is correct. This report allows
NETPDTC to account for all activities.
NETPDTC (N321) forwards the initial results
from the previous examination cycle along with an
ordering letter for the next examination cycle. The
letter provides ordering information and includes two
enclosures needed to order examinations for the next
examination cycle. Enclosure (1) lists examinations
available for the next examination cycle and enclosure
(2) is NETPDTC Examination Order Form,
NETPMSA, 1418/6. Commands not in receipt of
examination results should request order forms and
ordering instructions from NETPDTC (N321) at least
3 months before the scheduled examination date of the
next examination cycle.
Chapter 5 of the Advancement Manual contains
detailed instructions for ordering advancement
examinations. These instructions should be followed
when ordering examinations. Once the number of
required examinations has been determined, the
command should prepare the Examination Order
Forms (NETPMSA 1418/6) (fig. 6-3) and forward
them to NETPDTC. Always enter ratings in
alphabetical order.
Examination orders may be submitted by letter or
message; however, order forms are preferred. To avoid
the shipment of a double examination order from
NETPDTC, do not send a second order form with a
follow-up letter. In addition, the follow-up letter
should only reference the original order form. Order
forms submitted by letter or message have to be keyed
into a computer program, which creates more room for
possible errors.
The ESO may be required to determine the number
of examinations to order for the command. To
determine the number, the ESO should review the
recommendation forms and determine the number of
eligible candidates, including those E-7 candidates
taking the test for Limited Duty Officer (LDO)
application only. Verify the prospective gains list of
the commands Enlisted Distribution Ve rification
Report (EDVR), identifying new future gain