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T h e N a v a l M i l i t a r y P e r s o n n e l M a n u al
(MILPERSMAN) gives commanding officers the
authority to advance qualified enlisted personnel to
E-2 and E-3 without numerical limitations. No
examination is required for advancement to E-2.
However, commands have the option of administering
E-3 apprenticeship examinations for AN, FN, and SN.
The examinations consist of 150 questions and are
administered and graded on a pass/fail basis by the
command: 100 questions are on the specific
apprenticeship and 50 questions on general military
requirements. These examinations are prepared at the
N a v a l E d u c a t i o n a n d T r a i n i n g P r o f e s s i o n al
Development and Technology Center (NETPDTC) by
chief petty officers from ratings associated with the
Those who graduated from the Apprenticeship
Training Program (ATP) satisfy the requirement for
completion of the AN/FN/SN course for advancement
to E-3. Examinations and scoring keys are available
on request from the NETPDTC.
An apprenticeship examination contains a total
of how many questions?
On an apprenticeship examination, how many
questions are supported by the specific
On an apprenticeship examination, how many
questions are supported by military
SN, FN, and AN examinations and scoring keys
are available on request from what activity?
The Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel
Classifications and Occupational Standards ,
NAVPERS 18068, contains a list of the required
performance tests. Completion of the mandatory
performance tests is required before participation in a
Navywide advancement-in-rate examination and must
be performed during completion of personnel
advancement requirements (PARs). Performance tests
are graded locally on a pass/fail basis. Successful
completion of the performance test is entered in the
persons service record on NAVPERS 1070/604.
The performance tests required for certain
ratings can be found in what publication?
Before examinations are ordered, recommenda-
tions for advancement should be solicited from the
departments through the use of recommendation
forms. (Although no standard form is used for this
purpose, figure 6-1 is an example of a form that can be
used.) The eligibility of all candidates should be
verified by a comparison of the information on the
forms with the information in their service records.
A deadline for the completion of all requirements
before the examination date is normally set by a
NAVADMIN. The deadline is usually the first of the
Figure 6-1. Recommendation for advancement/mil/lead form.