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considered to be a technical specialist. They are
considered to have sufficient academic and practical
training to provide primary patient care services under
the supervision of a physician. The physicians
assistant will perform the following functions:
Duties that require extensive knowledge of a
specific occupational field
Duties that are not significantly affected by
promotion in rank
T h e f o l l o w i n g a r e t h e b a s i c e l i g i b i l i ty
Be a citizen of the United States.
Be serving on active duty in the Regular Navy or
Naval Reserve (including TAR) at the time of
application and, if selected, remain on active
duty until the appointment is tendered. Reserve
canvasser recruiters and reservists on temporary
active duty (TEMAC) or on active duty for
training (ACDUTRA) are not eligible for the
in-service program. However, they are eligible
under the Direct Procurement Program.
Selectees for appointment must be able to
c o m p l e t e t h e m i n i m u m b a c c a l a u r e a te
educational program requirements before
reaching their 35th birthday.
Have no record of nonjudicial punishment,
conviction by courts-martial or civil court for
other than minor traffic violations during the 4
years preceding the year in which the application
is made.
Meet the physical standards for officer
candidates as described in the Manual of the
Medical Department.
Have a high school diploma or equivalency
certificate, based on military education
experience, GED test results, issued by the
Department of Education of a state, U.S.
territory, or the District of Columbia.
Have undergraduate course work, with a grade
point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale,
sufficient to complete the requirement for a
baccalaureate degree awarded upon completion
of the PA training program.
B e o f g o o d m o r a l e c h a r a c t e r a n d of
unquestioned loyalty to the United States as
determined by the interview and investigation.
Selectees with qualifying degrees must have
sufficient service obligation to serve 3 years on
active duty or in a drill status as appropriate.
Selectees without qualifying degrees entering a
training program must incur an obligation of 6
years active service requirement before
detaching from the present command, which
may be acquired by extending or reenlisting.
Be recommended for appointment by the
commanding officer.
To be eligible for the Physicians Assistant (PA)
Program, you must have undergraduate course
work of at least what grade point average?
The Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program
(MECP) is similar to the Enlisted Commissioning
Program. Although previously an active-duty upward
mobility program for personnel in the HM and DT
ratings, the program is now open to enlisted personnel
of all ratings.
Selectees for the MECP must meet the following
Be accepted to a baccalaureate program leading
to a bachelor of science degree in nursing. The
program must be approved by the Commander
o f
t h e
N a v a l
M e d i c a l
C o m m a nd
(COMNAVMEDCOM) and accredited by the
National League for Nursing.
Pay for tuition, fees, books, and personal
expenses (if eligible, may use VA educational
benefits, but may not use Navy tuition assistance
to pay for MECP).
Successfully complete Officer Indoctrination
School upon completion of the MECP.
Take the first registered professional nurse
l i c e n s i n g e x a m i n a t i o n a v a i l a b l e a f t er
completion of MECP.
Appointees incur an 8-year active-duty
obligation upon commissioning, 4 of which
must be served on active duty.
MECP selectees have the following benefits:
Receive full military pay and allowances
Retain enlisted grade and are eligible for