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Page Title: Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, and other Advanced Educational Programs
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three times the length of the period in the program, in addition  to  any  other  prior  service  obligation.    No obligated  service  is  incurred  under  the  following conditions: 1.   The scholarship award is made in recognition of outstanding performance and if its acceptance does not require relief from regular military duty for more than 26 weeks, or 2.   The purpose of the scholarship is to permit the officer  to  work  on  a  project  of  value  to  the United States rather than fulfill the requirements of an academic degree The  only  eligibility  requirement  is  that  the applicant be an active-duty officer or midshipman first class.  OPNAVINST 1520.24 contains more detailed instructions and application procedures. Q20. Are business groups operating for profit, foreign governments,  and  political  organizations eligible donors for the scholarship program? NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL, MONTEREY, AND OTHER ADVANCED EDUCATION PROGRAMS Naval  Postgraduate  School  Programs  meet subspecialty billet requirements for officer education programs  at  the  master’s  and  doctoral  levels.    They also  provide  some  postgraduate  education  for  all qualified active-duty naval officers.  The  Catalog of Naval  Postgraduate  School   contains  detailed information on the postgraduate curriculum conducted at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, and other participating civilian educational institutions.  Other references include OPNAVINST 1520.23, the annual OPNAVNOTE  1520,  and  the  Naval  Postgraduate School Catalog of Self-Study Courses. The eligibility criteria varies with the individual programs; therefore, you should refer to the references for determining eligibility and application procedures. Q21. At  what  level  do  Naval  Postgraduate  School Programs meet subspecialty billet requirements for officer education programs? DEFENSE LANGUAGE PROGRAMS Designated  billets  require  foreign  language proficiency.  Navy personnel selected for these billets attend  the  Defense  Language  Institute  in  Monterey, California,  or  the  Foreign  Service  Institute  in Washington, D.C.  These schools offer instruction in approximately  41  different  languages.    Officers desiring an assignment that requires foreign language training  should  submit  a  letter  to  their  detailer s p e c i f y i n g    t h e    t y p e    o f    a s s i g n m e n t    d e s i r e d. Applications  from  enlisted  personnel,  other  than Cryptologic  Technicians,  are  not  desired.    Officers selected  for  this  program  serve  on  active  duty following graduation for a period of twice the length of the  instruction  received.    OPNAVINST  1550.7  and C N E T I N S T    1 5 5 0 . 9    c o n t a i n    m o r e    d e t a i l e d information. Q22. Defense Language Programs offer instruction in approximately how many languages? JUNIOR AND SENIOR SERVICE COLLEGES The military services have institutions that offer advanced military courses in naval warfare and related subjects to junior and senior officers.  The purpose of these  courses  is  to  improve  the  professional competence of officers to assume higher responsibility and  higher  command  positions.    These  military institutions  include,  but  are  not  limited  to,  the following schools: College of Naval Warfare, Newport, R.I. College of Naval Command and Staff, Newport, R.I. Naval Staff College, Newport, R.I. Naval Command College, Newport, R.I. Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. Industrial  College  of  the  Armed  Forces,  Fort McNair, Washington, D.C. National   War   College,   Fort   McNair, Washington, D.C. Marine  Corps  Command  and  Staff  College, Quantico, Va. Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. Army Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala. Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 3-11

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