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Selectees must meet the following basic eligibility requirements: Be a citizen of the United States Be  on  active  duty  in  a  commissioned  officer status (0-3 or below) Have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution Have served on active duty for a period of not less  than  2  years,  or  more  than  6  years  (in  an officer  or  enlisted  status),  at  the  time  the  law education begins Be able to complete 20 years of active service as a  commissioned  officer  before  their  55th birthday NOTE:  These  eligibility  requirements  are established by law and cannot be waived. SECNAVINST  1520.7  contains  eligibility requirements and application procedures. Q17. For  each  year  of  legal  training,  how  much obligated service must a selectee for the Officer Law Education Program commit to? WHITE HOUSE FELLOWS PROGRAM The  White  House  Fellows  Program  provides  a highly  selected  group  of  gifted,  motivated  young Americans with experience in the process of governing our nation.  Selectees serve in this program for a period of 1 year.  They work with the White House staff, the Vice  President,  members  of  the  Cabinet,  or  other top-level offices in the executive branch.  Both officer and  enlisted  personnel  may  apply  for  the  program. Active-duty selectees receive full pay and allowances and remain in an active-duty status.  Military personnel who take part in this program must serve on active duty for a period of twice the duration of duty as a White House fellow. They must serve this time in addition to any previously incurred service obligation. The basic eligibility requirements for the program are as follows: Must be career motivated Must  have  demonstrated  unusual  ability,  high moral character, outstanding motivation, and a broad capacity for leadership Must  show  exceptional  promise  of  future development Must  be  dedicated  to  the  institutions  of  the United States NOTE:  Although the general age guidelines for the program are not specified, those persons chosen should  be  firmly  committed  to  a  military  career. Therefore, applications from military personnel below the age of 28 are discouraged. In  addition  to  the  basic  eligibility  requirements, the candidates’  maturity and experience level play a significant role in their selection.  Another selection factor is the candidates’  capability to contribute to the program.  Selection also depends on the candidates’ ability  to  use  the  program  experience  to  benefit  the Navy and their continuing Navy career. An annual BUPERS Notice 1560 issues eligibility requirements and application procedures.  For further information, write to The President’s Commission on White  House  Fellowships,  712  Jackson  Place  NW, Washington, DC  20503. Q18. How  long  do  selectees  for  the  White  House Fellows Program serve? Q19. Who do you write to for further information on the White House Fellows Program? SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Scholarship Program permits selected officers to  accept  scholarships,  fellowships,  and  grants  from eligible donors.  Business groups operating for profit, foreign governments, and political organizations are not  eligible  donors.    Eligible  donors  include  the following: Tax-exempt corporations, foundations, funds, or educational institutions organized primarily for scientific, literary, or educational purposes Similar organizations that would qualify as tax exempt if they were not foreign Other organizations approved by the Assistant Secretary  of  Defense  (Manpower,  Reserve Affairs, and Logistics) The  selectees’   field  of  study  should  correspond with  their  designator  and  prospective  future a s s i g n m e n t s .       G r a d u a t e    s t u d y    m u s t    l e a d    t o qualification in subspecialties required in the officers’ designator. Officers selected for this program serve on active duty  following  graduation.    They  serve  for  a  period 3-10

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