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All other administrative changes in rate or rating are authorized in one of the following ways: 1.   Under  special  conversion  programs  (such  as SCORE), through formal schools 2.  By the Chief of Naval Personnel (PERS-255), through  a  person’s  direct  conversion  or successful competition in a Navy advancement exam cycle or by in-service training A person who applies for a change in rating must meet the following requirements: Be a PO1 or below. Have less than 12 years of active naval service. Request  a  rating  and  paygrade  that  needs additional  personnel  and  appears  on  the  open rating/skills list. Must have served a minimum of 24 months in the present rating before becoming eligible for conversion to another rating.  This requirement will  be  waived  for  those  first  term  personnel unable  to  receive  an  Enlisted  Navy  Career Options for Reenlistment (ENCORE) program quota in their present rating. Satisfy all eligibility requirements for the rating requested  as  defined  in  the   Advancement Manual, BUPERSINST 1430.16. Meet the minimum Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) scores required for entry into the school for the rating requested. Have no nonjudicial punishment or convictions in  civilian  or  military  courts  for  the  past  18 months. Be recommended by the commanding officer. Q8. Commanding  officers  have  the  authority  to laterally  change  the  apprenticeships  of personnel in what paygrades? Q9.   Before  the  commanding  officer  can  laterally change  the  apprenticeship  of  a  person  from Seaman  to  Fireman,  what  conditions  must  be met? Q10. What requirements must be met for a person who applies for a change of rate? SELECTION BOARD ADVANCEMENTS A  board  meets  in  March  to  select  SCPOs  and MCPOs.  A separate board meets in June to select new CPOs.  At those times, the selection board receives the records  of  candidates  who  have  met  all  of  the requirements  for  advancement  and  have  been designated SELECTION BOARD ELIGIBLE (SBE). The selection board then selects those candidates who are the most qualified for advancement to CPO, SCPO, and MCPO. The  ESO  should  be  familiar  with  the  selection process  and  should  be  able  to  answer  the  questions candidates  ask.    For  example,  candidates  may  ask, Why wasn’t I selected for chief, senior chief, or master chief? What are they looking for? What does it take to be advanced? or How can I improve my chances of being selected?  The ESO should guide candidates in their  efforts  to  make  themselves  SELECTION B O A R D    E L I G I B L E    a n d    t o    i m p r o v e    t h e ir opportunities for selection. Candidates  who  are  selected  can  justifiably  be proud.  At the same time, those not selected should not be discouraged.  Candidates should be encouraged to continue  to  improve  their  selection  chances  by determining their weakest traits and improving them. The  difference  between  being  selected  or  not  being selected  could  be  the  result  of  that  extra  course  the selectee  completed.    It  could  also  be  the  result  of qualifying  as  an  enlisted  specialist  in  aviation, submarines, or surface warfare.  The selection board is responsible for selecting the well-rounded person, not the person who concentrates on one singular area of expertise. Composition of the E-7 and the E-8/9 Selection Boards Each  selection  board  consists  of  a  captain,  who serves  as  president,  a  junior  officer,  who  serves  as recorder, and officers and master chief petty officers, who serve as board members. Additionally, a sufficient number  of  assistant  recorders  ensure  the  smooth handling and accounting of records. The board is divided into panels responsible for reviewing  the  records  of  individuals  in  one  general professional  area,  such  as  deck,  engineering,  and medical/dental.    Each  panel  consists  of  at  least  one officer and one master chief. The  Enlisted  Community  Manager  (ECM) establishes a maximum advancement quota for each r a t i n g .    C o m m a n d e r ,    N a v a l    R e s e r v e    F o r ce (COMNAVRESFOR)  establishes  quotas  for  drilling Naval Reserve personnel.  The quotas are to be filled by  the  “best”  qualified  candidates  competing  for 5-8

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