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E-7/8 candidates with 12 to 24 years of service are eligible for CWO2. E-9  candidates  with  2  years  in  grade  and  not more  than  24  years  of  service  are  eligible  for CWO3. The time-in-rate (TIR) date is used to compute minimum and maximum eligibility. Candidates for CWO2 and CWO3 compete on an equal basis. The  terminal  eligibility  date  is  extended  to  1 October of the year of application. After 1 year of service as a CWO, a person may compete for selection to LDO at paygrade O-2. Prior  military  service  that  parallels  current service  can  be  counted  to  meet  minimum eligibility requirements. When candidates are selected for CWO or LDO, the ESO should provide them with a copy of  Useful Information  for  Newly  Commissioned  Officers , NAVEDTRA  12967.    The  ESO  should  also  provide them with the following information: Newly commissioned CWOs and LDOs attend officer indoctrination school (OIS) at Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, Florida.  The school consists of 5 weeks of instruction.  Instruction emphasizes  oral  and  written  communication, administrative  and  legal  procedures,  Navy programs  and  topics,  military  duties  and courtesies, sea power and Leadership Training Course  (LTC),  specifically  designed  for  their experience levels. CWO  candidates  receive  CWO  sea  pay—   a monthly  amount  plus  $100  for  those  persons with over 2 consecutive years of sea duty. LDO  candidates  receive  LDO  sea  pay—   a monthly  amount  plus  $100  for  those  persons with over 3 consecutive years of sea duty. A CWO with 3 years of commissioned service is eligible to retire as a CWO with 20 years of total service. (Because of a misunderstanding of the existing law, many people erroneously believe a CWO  must  have  10  years  of  commissioned service.) Q23. Under  the  CWO  Program,  an  applicant  must have completed at least how many years of active naval service? Q24. What  instruction  covers  the  application procedure for the CWO Program? Q25. Under  the  LDO  Program,  an  applicant  must have completed at least how many years of active naval service? Q26. To apply for the LDO and CWO Programs in the same year, CPOs and SCPOs must have at least how many years of naval service? Q27. After 1 year as a CWO, a person may compete for selection to LDO at what paygrade? Q28. Where do newly commissioned CWOs and LDOs attend officer indoctrination school? Q29. How many weeks of instruction is provided at the CWO and LDO indoctrination school? Q30. To retire as a CWO, a person with 20 years of total service must have served at least how many years as a CWO? SUMMARY The  Navy  Enlisted  Advancement  System  (NEAS) provides credit for performance, knowledge, and experience. The system guarantees that all candidates competing for a specific rate have equal advancement opportunity. Who,  then,  are  the  people  being  advanced? Basically, they are the people who are self-motivated and have prepared themselves for advancement.  They were not content just to qualify; they went the extra mile in their training.  Through their extra effort in training and work experience, they developed greater skills, learned more, and accepted more responsibility.  The secret to their success is sustained superior performance. ESOs should be a guiding influence for personnel striving  for  advancement.    Since  personnel  will  ask them many questions about the various advancement programs, ESOs should be prepared with up-to-date information. REFERENCES USED TO DEVELOP THIS CHAPTER Advancement  Manual,   BUPERSINST  1430.16, Bureau  of  Naval  Personnel,  Washington,  D.C., 1991. 5-17

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