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Be  a  high  school  graduate  or  possess  the service-accepted equivalent. Have no record of conviction by courts-martial, non-judicial punishment (NJP), or conviction by a  civil  court  for  any  offense  other  than  minor traffic violations for 2 years as of 1 October of the year in which application is made.  Driving under  the  influence  (DUI)  violations  will  be considered  major  traffic  violations,  and  are disqualifying  if  within  the  2-year  period specified above. Be of good moral character and of unquestioned loyalty  to  the  United  States  as  determined  by interview and investigation. Not exceed high-year tenure (HYT). Be recommended by the commanding officer for each designator requested. Have completed at least 12 years, but not more than 24 years, of active service on 1 October of the year application is made. In-Service  Procurement  for  Appointment  Under the  Active  and  Reserve  Limited  Duty  Officer  (LDO) and  Chief  Warrant  Officer  (CWO)  Programs , BUPERSINST  1131.1,  covers  the  application procedures for the CWO Program. Limited Duty Officer Program The  Limited  Duty  Officer  (LDO)  Program provides  a  path  of  advancement  for  PO1  through SCPO and CWO.  The program leads to a commission as  a  temporary  ensign  or  lieutenant  junior  grade  (as applicable) in the Regular Navy or Naval Reserve. The applicant must meet the following eligibility requirements to apply for the LDO Program: Be a U.S. citizen. Be serving on active duty in the Regular Navy, Naval Reserve, or TAR Program at the time of application  and,  if  selected,  remain  on  active duty until the appointment is tendered. Be physically qualified for appointment to LDO per  the  physical  standards  outlined  in  the Manual of the Medical Department. Be  a  high  school  graduate  or  possess  the service-accepted equivalent. Have no record of conviction by courts-martial, NJP,  or  conviction  by  a  civil  court  for  any offense other than minor traffic violations for 2 years  as  of  1  October  of  the  year  in  which application  is  made.    DUI  violations  will  be considered  major  traffic  violations,  and  are disqualifying  if  within  the  2-year  period specified above. Be of good moral character and of unquestioned loyalty  to  the  United  States  as  determined  by interview and investigation. Be recommended by the commanding officer. Not exceed the HYT requirements. Be  serving  as  a  PO1,  CPO,  or  SCPO  on  1 October of the year in which application is made. If a PO1, must have served in that capacity for at least 1 year as of 1 October of the year in which application is made. Have completed at least 8 years, but not more than  16  years,  of  active  naval  service  on  1 October of the year in which application is made. If a PO1, must have completed all requirements for advancement to CPO, with the exception of time in paygrade, and successfully competed in the annual Navywide advancement examination cycle  administered  in  January  of  the  year  of application. A  candidate  whose  final  multiple  is  equal  to,  or greater than, the minimum final multiple required for SELECTION BOARD ELIGIBLE will be designated LDO SELECTION BOARD ELIGIBLE.  A PO1 who is presently authorized advancement to CPO is exempt from the CPO Navywide examination qualification. CPOs and SCPOs with at least 12 years, but not more  than  16  years,  of  naval  service  may  apply  for LDO  and  CWO  in  the  same  application  year. However,  they  may  only  request  one  designator  for each program. The following policies apply to the LDO and CWO Programs: No  age  stipulation  is  required  for  LDO/CWO candidates. The number of times an LDO/CWO candidate may apply from the same enlisted paygrade is unrestricted. E-6/7/8 candidates with 8 to 16 years of service are eligible for LDO ensign (ENS). 5-16

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