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CHARGE AND SPECIFICATION—A description in writing of the offense that the accused is alleged to have  committed;  each  specification,  together  with the charge under which it is placed, constitutes a separate  accusation. CHARGE SHEET—A two-page document, DD Form 458,  that  contains  (1)  information  about  the accused, (2) the charges and specifications, (3) the preferring  of  charges  and  their  referral  to  a summary, special, or general court-martial; and (4) in the case of a summary court-martial, the record of trial. CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER—A warrant officer of the  armed  forces  who  holds  a  commission  or warrant in warrant officer grades W-2 through W-4. CIRCUMSTANTIAL   EVIDENCE—Testimony   not based on actual personal knowledge or observation of the facts in controversy, but of other facts from which deductions are drawn, showing indirectly the facts sought to be proved. CLEMENCY—Discretionary   action   by   proper authority to reduce the severity of a punishment. CLOSED  SESSIONS—Those  periods  during  a court-martial  where  the  members  or  the  military judge  (in  a  judge  alone  case)  is  deliberating  alone on  findings  and  sentence. CODIFICATION—Process   of   collecting   and arranging the laws of a country or state into a code; for example, U.S. Code. COLLATERAL  ATTACK—An  attempt  to  impeach or challenge the integrity of a court judgment in a proceeding other than that in which the judgment was  rendered  and  outside  the  normal  chain  of appellate  review. COLLISION—Striking  together  of  two  objects,  one  of which may be stationary. The act of ships or vessels striking together. In its strict sense, collision means the  impact  of  two  vessels,  both  moving,  and  is distinguished  from  allision,  which  designates  the striking  of  a  moving  vessel  against  one  that  is stationary. COMMAND—(1)  An  order;  (2)  any  demanding  of another to do an act toward commission of a crime, Article 77, UCMJ. COMMANDING   OFFICER—A   commissioned officer   in   command   of   a   unit   or   units,   an organization, or an area of the armed forces. COMMISSIONED  OFFICER—An  officer  of  the naval service who holds a commission in an officer grade, chief warrant officer W-2, and above. COMMON  TRIAL—A  trial  in  which  two  or  more persons are charged with the commission of an offense  or  offenses  that,  although  not  jointly committed, were committed at the same time and place and are provable by the same evidence. COMPETENCY—The p r e s e n c e    of those characteristics, or the absence of those disabilities (for example, exclusionary rules), that renders a particular  item  of  evidence  fit  and  qualified  to  be presented in court. CONCURRENT JURISDICTION—Jurisdiction that is possessed over the same parties or subject matter at the same time by two or more separate tribunals. CONCURRENT   SERVICE   OF   PUNISHMENT Two or more punishments being served at the same time. CONFESSION—An acknowledgement of guilt of an offense. CONFINEMENT—The physical restraint of a person, imposed   by   either   oral   or   written   orders   of competent authority, depriving a person of freedom. CONSECUTIVE   SERVICE   OF   PUNISHMENT Two  or  more  punishments  being  served  in  series, one after the other. CONSPIRACY—A  combination  of  two  or  more persons   who   have   agreed   to   accomplish,   by concerted action, an unlawful purpose or some purpose  not  in  itself  unlawful  but  by  unlawful means, and the doing of some act by one or more of the   conspirators   to   effect   the   object   of   that agreement. CONSTRUCTIVE   ENLISTMENT—A   valid enlistment arising where the initial enlistment was void but the enlistee submits voluntarily to military authority, is mentally competent and at least 17 years  old,  receives  pay,  and  performs  duties. CONSTRUCTIVE KNOWLEDGE—A state wherein a person is inferred to have knowledge of an order, regulation, or fact as a result of having a reasonable opportunity  to  gain  such  knowledge  (for  example, presence in an area where the relevant information was  commonly  available). CONTEMPT—In   military   law,   the   use   of   any menacing  words,  signs,  or  gestures  in  the  presence AII-4

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