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Crimes  involving  exclusive  NCIS  jurisdiction— SECNAVINST   5520.3   and   OPNAVINST 5450.97 Security  violations—OPNAVINST  5510.1 Stolen  government  property—SECNAVINST 5500.4 Claims   for   or   against   the   government— JAGINST 5830.1 Postal  violations—OPNAVINST  5112.6 INVESTIGATIONS NOT REQUIRING A HEARING The type of fact-finding body to be convened is determined  by  the  purpose(s)  of  the  inquiry,  the seriousness of the issues involved, the time allotted for completion of the investigation, and the nature and extent of the powers required to conduct a thorough investigation.  This  section  will  concentrate  on  the  most common  administrative  fact-finding  body,  the investigatiom not requiring a hearing. Courts of inquiry and investigations requiring a hearing will be discussed later in this chapter. Keep in mind, however, that many of the basic rules and principles discussed in this section also apply to other types of investigations. As is the case with any fact-finding body, the primary function of an investigation  not  requiring  a  hearing  is  to  gather information. A fact-finding body not requiring a hearing does  not  have  the  power  to  designate  parties  and, therefore,  does  not  have  the  collateral  function  of providing a hewing to a party. Any officer in command may order an investigation not requiring a hewing.  For purposes of the JAG MAN, officer  in  command  means  an  officer  authorized  to convene  any  type  of  court-martial  or  authorized  to impose  disciplinary  punishment  under  Article  15, Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This also includes  officers  in  charge  (OICs). An officer in command is responsible for initiating investigations  of  incidents  occurring  within  his  or  her command or involving his or her personnel. If an officer in command feels that investigation of an incident by the command  is  impractical,  another  command  can  be requested  to  conduct  the  investigation. If  an  incident  requiring  the  convening  of  an investigation  occurs  at  a  place  geographically  distant from the command, or the command deploys before an investigation can be completed, another command can be requested to conduct the investigation. This request should  be  made  to  the  area  coordinator  in  whose geographical   area   of   responsibility   the   incident occurred. A single investigation should be conducted into an   incident   involving   more   than   one   command, convened  by  an  officer  in  command  of  any  of  the activities  involved.  If  difficulties  arise  concerning who should convene the investigation, the common superior  of  all  commands  involved  will  determine who  will  convene  it.  If  the  conduct  or  performance of one of the officers in command may be subject to inquiry (as in the case of a collision between ships), the common superior of all the officers involved will convene  the  investigation. THE INVESTIGATORY BODY An investigation not requiring a hearing may be composed of a single investigator or a board consisting of  two  or  more  members.  The  most  common  is  the one-officer investigation. The IO should normally be a commissioned officer, but may be a warrant officer, senior  enlisted,  or  a  civilian  employee,  when appropriate. IOs must be those individuals who are best qualified  for  the  duty  by  reason  of  age,  education, training,  experience,  length  of  service,  and temperament. Unless impractical, the IO should be senior  to  any  person  whose  conduct  or  performance  of duty   will   be   subject   to   inquiry.   An   expert   may participate as IO or for the limited purpose of using his or her special experience. The report should make clear any  participation  by  an  expert.  Ordinarily,  counsel  is not  appointed  for  an  investigation  not  requiring  a hearing,  although  a  judge  advocate  is  often  made available to help the IO with any legal problems or questions that may arise. APPOINTING ORDER An investigation not requiring a hearing is convened by a written order called an appointing order. An officer in command is responsible for initiating investigations of incidents occurring within his or her command or involving his or her personnel. An  appointing  order  must  be  in  official  letter form,  addressed  to  the  IO  of  the  one-officer investigation. When   circumstances   warrant,   an investigation  may  be  convened  by  an  oral  or  message order.   The   IO   must   include   the   signed,   written confirmation  of  oral  or  message  orders  in  the investigative  report. The  written  appointing  order  for  a  JAGMAN investigation  not  requiring  a  hearing  will  contain  the following: 13-3

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