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with the nearest command that does have the facilities
to properly administer restriction, and in these cases you
may be required to prepare TEMADD orders for the
period of punishment.
The UPB contains a record of all NJP hearings
conducted by a command, not just those in which pun-
ishment was awarded, and is required by the MILPERS-
MAN. The form that is used to record NJP hearings is
the NAVPERS 1626/7. When all actions have been
completed on a particular NJP hearing, the space pro-
vided in the final administrative action portion of the
NAVPERS 1626/7 (see section J of fig. 5-1) that indi-
cates when the case record is filed in the UPB should be
filled out. Though there is no requirement to do so, it is
good administrative practice to attach all relevant docu-
ments on that particular case to the NAVPERS 1626/7.
There are no specific instructions as to what manner
these cases should be filed in the UPB; however, the
suggested procedure is to file cases in alphabetical
order, chronological order by date, or a combination of
The Standard Organization and Regulations of
the U.S. Navy, (SORM), OPNAVINST 3120.32B,
prescribes the log entry for mast results afloat. Such an
entry should be substantially in the format for the POD
entry, and you should provide this information to the
officer of the deck (OOD) for inclusion in the deck log.
Although there is no Navywide requirement for log-
books ashore, you will find that logs are kept ashore
pursuant to local instructions. Unless these local in-
structions require a different format, you should provide
information about the mast results to the OOD in the
same format that is used afloat.
NJP is the lowest form of discipline available to
COs to aid them in maintaining good order and disci-
pline within the Navy. As you can see from the preced-
ing discussions, there are many considerations when the
various aspects of NJP are carried out. It is important
for you, as an LN, to keep abreast of all the requirements
and procedures associated with the proper administra-
tion of NJP because of its effect upon individuals as well
as its effect upon the Navy.
A checklist for report chit/NJP processing, figure
5-23, is provided for you as a guide in helping you to
carry out all the responsibilities inherent in NJP pro-