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BLACK’S  LAW  DICTIONARY SIXTH EDITION Publisher: West Publishing Company One  Volume Location: SJA’s Office, Room 101 Figure 2-5.—Catalog card. hardbound volume and should be discarded when they are replaced by the appropriate hardbound volume. Hardbound volumes may contain revisions of the ad- vance sheets, a good reason for discarding the advance sheets when you receive the hardbound volumes. l Bound volumes replacements—Bound volumes are often published to replace outdated volumes in a set, sometimes two or more new volumes will replace an old volume. In these cases, the old volume should be discarded.  The  U.S.C.A.  normally  receives  12  replace- ment volumes each fiscal year. l  Bound  volume  supplements—Occasionally  a supplement is published in the form of a bound volume, in that case you do not discard the basic volume but merely shelve the bound volume supplement next to it. If a pocket part is later published, it will state whether it is to be placed in the rear of the basic volume or the supplementary  volume.  The  U.S.C.A.  frequently  con- tains several bound volume supplements. Accountability An important function of your duties in maintaining the library is keeping track of the materials contained in the library. To be able to quickly account for the where- abouts of all material belonging to the library will help you and the persons using the library. Furthermore, it will also save command funds because replacement items will not be required because of losses due to a poor accounting system. The size of your library and the needs of the library users will generally dictate the type of  accountability  used.  For  most  libraries,  it  is  recom- mended that the books be cataloged using a simple card index  system  (see  fig.  2-5)  that  lists  the  following minimum information for each item: l l l l l Title  of  the  reference  material Edition  (if  applicable) Publisher Number  of  volumes Location of the reference material In addition to setting up a card catalog system as suggested previously, you also should set up a checkout system to keep track of those materials that are bor- rowed from the library. Two different check-out sys- tems are described in the following paragraphs. . Check-out card—This is probably the most ef- fective system that can be used. It consists of placing a check-out card in either the front or back of each volume of reference material. This card should contain enough information to identify the specific volume it came from and  should  provide  sufficient  space  for  the  individual checking out the material to enter the date checked out, the  individual’s  name,  and  the  individual’s  office  and/or command. When a book is checked out, the card may be  placed  on  the  shelf  in  place  of  the  book,  or  all check-out cards may be kept in a central location for 2-11

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