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. Your ships operating schedule
Remember, you cannot establish your food item
endurance loads on the basis of formulas and graphs
alone. You should apply common sense and good
judgment to the problem.
If you have usage data that were generated during
extended unreplenished operations, you have ideal
information to use in planning your endurance load.
However, if the only available data represent usage
during replenishment operations or when normal liberty
was granted, the data would not reflect requirements for
true endurance conditions. Such data can, however, be
a help in deciding what foods to include in your
endurance load list. When local usage data are
applicable, and usage data from a ship of the same class
are not available for use in planning load lists, refer to
the subsistence endurance base (SEB) in the NAVSUP
P-486. This guide is also a helpful tool for MSS who
have had limited experience in planning load lists. The
Navy Food Service, NAVSUP P-476 (a quarterly
foodservice publication), also includes articles on
endurance loading.
of days of supply (fig. 12-1). The operating level of
supply is the amount of material required to sustain
operating requirements between replenishment periods.
The safety level of supply is generally the quantity
required to be on hand, in addition to the operating level,
to permit continued operations if a minor interruption of
normal replenishment or unpredictable fluctuations in
demand occur. Stockage objectives for ships are issued
by the appropriate type commander. Stockage
objectives for food items for activities in Alaska,
Hawaii, and overseas are issued by the fleet
commanders through their logistics agents.
Continental United States (CONUS) activities
maintaining inventories of food items in end-use
accounts, who requisition and stock food items under
the appropriation Operation and Maintenance, Navy
(O&MN) Subsistence Account, as authorized by the
Navy Food Service Systems Office (NAVFSSO),
should use the stockage levels recommended in the
NAVSUP P-486, volume I.
A low limit and a high limit should be established
for each item of stock at the beginning of each
accounting period. Low limits and high limits should be
The stockage objective for food items should be the
adjusted as necessary for the following reasons:
total of the operating level plus the safety level in terms
l Increase or decrease in crew size
Operating level
the quantity of material needed to sustain
Average endurance level is the quantity of
operations between replenishment
material normally required to be on hand to
sustain operations for a stated period without
+ (plus)
augmentation; it is also the safety level plus
one-half of the operating level.
Safety level
the quantity needed for continuous operations
in the event normal replenishment is
= (equals)
interrupted or to meet unpredictable
fluctuations in demand
the maximum quantity of material to be
Low limit (reorder point) is the stock position
maintained on hand to sustain current
which signals the need to initiate
replenishment action. It includes the sum of
stocks represented by the safety level and the
order and shipping time.
Order and
represents the quantity of material that will be
shipping time
consumed during the interval between
submission of requisition and receipt of
material (procurement lead time)
the maximum quantity of material to be
High limit includes the sum of stocks
maintained on hand and on order to meet
represented by the operating level, the safety
current operational requirements
level, and the order and shipping time.
Figure 12-1.-Stockage objective for food items.