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Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) publications
publish the standards for naval use and observance.
Explosives Safety Studies
Explosives safety studies, surveys, and reviews are
conducted as part of the Naval Explosives Safety
Improvement Program (NESIP). The Chief of Naval
Operations (CNO) established this element of the safety
program. The WSESRB conducts some of the reviews,
while the Navy Ammunition and Hazardous (AMHAZ)
Materials-Handling Review Boards conduct others. The
Naval Sea Support Center detachments conduct detailed
Explosives Safety Training
Training is another key element of the Naval
Explosives Safety Program. You must make sure your
personnel follow safe operating practices and
procedures. To do that, they must maintain a clear and
practical understanding of mishap prevention. Make
sure the personnel involved in handling or transporting
explosives know how to perform their work safely and
quickly. Experienced commissioned officers or petty
officers train shipboard personnel until they are
competent to perform their work under less direct
supervision. We address training in more depth later in
this chapter.
Explosives Safety Inspections
One element required of all levels of command is
the establishment and continuation of a positive
explosives safety inspection program. This program,
too, must be present at all levels of command.
Explosives Mishap Investigations
and Reporting Procedures
The final element of the Naval Explosives Safety
program is the use of explosives mishap investigation
and reporting procedures. The gathering of information
concerning mishaps, incidents, and material safety is
basic to any safety program. Such information helps you
to develop organized steps needed to prevent further
mishaps. We discuss investigation and reporting
procedures later in this chapter.
The Naval Explosives Safety Program is an
important part of the primary program areas (shore,
surface, aviation, and submarine and diving). It extends
into several support areas of the Naval Occupational
Safety and Health (NAVOSH) Program. It applies to all
personnel, civilian and military, in any Department of
the Navy duty assignment in which explosives are, or
may be, present.
The CNO exercises general supervision and
command authority for the application of technical
guidance. Within the Office of the CNO, the Deputy
Chief of Naval Operations (DCNO) (Logistics, N4)
supervises U.S. Navy explosives safety matters. The
DCNO exercises the authority of the Secretary of the
Navy for waiver of explosives safety requirements. The
DCNO coordinates with the Commandant of the Marine
Corps the explosives safety policies, programs, and
guidance that mutually affect Navy and Marine forces.
NAVSEASYSCOM sets up and issues technical
standards and criteria and provides technical help to the
Department of the Navy. NAVSEASYSCOM also
furnishes technical advice and evaluations to the CNO
when operational requirements conflict with technical
requirements. NAVSEASYSCOM directs and
coordinates all technical offices concerning explosives
safety and prepares data as needed to analyze program
effectiveness. This command also provides the
necessary technical advice and guidance for
development of training programs. These programs set
up a level of competence within the Department of the
Navy that ensures the success of the Naval Explosives
Safety Program.
The following is a list of commanders who have
assigned respomibilities under the supervision of the
CNO (N4):
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command
Commander, Naval Electronic Systems
Commander, Naval Supply Systems Command
Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering
The Commander, Naval Safety Center (COMNAV-
SAFECEN), provides support to the CNO (N4) in the