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When you fall, and you will fall, fall backward and not forward whenever possible. At speeds above 25 mph, you should somersault or roll with the fall. Tuck your head beneath your arms and roll into a ball. Rolling not  only  controls  the  fall  but  blunts  the  impact.  Don’t tense up and stiffen. At lower speeds, lean to the side or back before you release the towline. When you release the towline, you will fall in the direction of the lean. You will hit with a thud, rather than a splash. Forget about your skis. You can retrieve them easily—they float, remember? Hunting The misuse of small arms has resulted in many accidents causing serious and fatal injuries to Navy personnel. Between 1987 and 1992, eight Navy men and women died in hunting and fishing mishaps. Ninety-one were injured in small arms accidents alone, most with guns  they  thought  were  unloaded.  Firearms  accidents kill as many females as males. The highest rate is in the 15- to 24-year age group. Between  one-fourth  and  one-third  of  all  fatal, accidental  shootings  occur  in  connection  with  hunting trips. Annual studies of hunting accidents, both fatal and nonfatal, made by the National Rifle Association have shown  firearm  hunting  accidents  both  by  “intentional discharge” and “accidental discharge.” The principal causes of accidents by intentional discharge have been as  follows: Victim  moved  into  line  of  fire  without  warning. Victim shot by excited hunter firing quickly at game. Victim  unseen  by  shooter. Victim mistaken for game. The principal causes of casualties occurring through the  accidental  discharge  of  the  gun  have  included  the following: Stumbling or falling while carrying gun Catching trigger of gun in brush Clubbing game or cover with gun Bumping or jolting the gun while removing it from vehicle or boat Unwittingly letting gun fall from an insecure rest Crossing a fence Horseplaying  with  a  gun  thought  to  be  unloaded Loading  and  unloading  gun Before you go hunting, you should learn the safe use of firearms from a competent instructor. The instruction should  take  place  on  a  well-protected  range.  Ex- perienced  adults  should  accompany  young  people learning to shoot and coach them in firearm safety. You should never try backyard target shooting. Practice basement or other indoor shooting only if you have constructed  a  satisfactory  backstop.  Avoid  shooting  at hard, horizontal surfaces because of the danger of a ricochet.  If  you  find  yourself  shooting  over  water, exercise extreme caution to avoid ricochets. As a hunter, you must concern yourself more about safety  than  about  the  possibility  of  your  missing  a chance at your game. Your attitude in these matters is the  real  difference  between  being  a  safe  or  unsafe  hunter. Regardless of how much hunters know or how great their skill and experience, if they do not practice safety, they are unsafe hunters. BICYCLING Millions  of  people  have  found  that  biking  is economical, healthy, and a great way for the entire family to take part in wholesome recreation. However, most of the time you will be sharing the road with vehicles of all shapes and sizes. Since a bicyclist is the most vulnerable participant in the highway system, observing safety rules is in your own best interest. That enables  you  to  protect  yourself  against  the  carelessness of  others. The impact of a rider’s head against a sidewalk from a 10-speed bike going 25 mph is as great as that of a rider thrown from a motorcycle at the same speed, From 1989 to 1992, more than 500 sailors were seriously injured or killed in bicycle accidents. More than 150 of those  sailors  suffered  head  injuries,  10  while  wearing helmets. Helmets won’t prevent head injuries in every bike accident, but they do make a difference in the severity of those injuries. You can protect yourself from serious  injury  by  wearing  an  American  National Standards  Institute  (ANSI)  or  a  Snell  Memorial Foundation  approved  bicycle  safety  helmet.  In  addition, you   can   protect   yourself   by   complying   with OPNAVINST  5100.25A,  which  covers  the  Navy Recreation, Athletics, and Home Safety Program. This instruction  requires  all  recreational  bicyclists  operating on  government  property  to  wear  light-colored  clothing and to wear reflective clothing during reduced visibility conditions. 11-8

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