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NAVINSGEN provides Chief of Naval Operations
(CNO) with a semiannual summary of inspection
results, including a summary evaluation of program
You can get help in preparing for a management
evaluation or NAVINSGEN inspection from the
following sources:
NAVOSH Program Evaluation Guide for Shore
Activities, NAVSAFECEN PUB 5100/1
NAVSAFECEN, Code 41, commercial phone
number (804) 444-6043 or DSN 564-6043
Certain ships, Navy Facilities, and private sector
contractor sites at Navy facilities are subject to
Department of Labor (DOL) inspections. The DOL
carries out the Occupational Safety and Health Act
(OSHACT). The OSHACT provides for the develop-
ment, issuance, and enforcement of standards. Civilian
employees, Navy or contractor, are protected by OSHA.
Contractor Inspections
The OSHACT defines DOD contractors, operating
from DOD or privately owned facilities located on or
off Navy shore installations, as employers. They are
subject to enforcement authority by federal and certain
state OSHA officials.
Normally, federal and state OSHA officials are
authorized to enter contractor workspaces without delay
and at reasonable times to conduct inspections.
However, officials must arrange to provide the proper
credentials authorizing the inspection before their visit.
They will be accompanied by representatives of the
shore activity.
A state may exercise jurisdiction over OSH matters
involving a contractor workplace at a Navy shore
installation provided the state has an OSH plan approved
by the Secretary of Labor.
Only federal OSHA officials may perform
inspections in DOD contractor workplaces situated in
areas where the United States holds exclusive federal
jurisdiction, such as aboard naval vessels. Chapter 11 of
OPNAVINST 5100.23C covers various federal
jurisdiction exceptions and exemptions.
Navy Civilian Inspections
Federal OSHA officials, acting as representatives of
the Secretary of Labor, are authorized to conduct
amounted or unannounced inspections of all Navy
civilian workplaces. Exclusions are workplaces in
foreign countries and military workplaces staffed
exclusively with military personnel. Workplaces
excluded from these inspections may be scheduled as
part of DOLs targeted inspection program. This
scheduling may occur as a result of an annual evaluation
of the DOD OSH Program or in response to a complaint
from a Navy civilian employee or employee
representative. OSHA may also conduct an inspection
solely at the discretion of the Secretary of Labor.
Navy activities employing civilians will have a
designated coordinator with whom federal OSHA
officials interface for inspection purposes. Before an
inspection, OSHA officials must present their
credentials and inform the chain of command of their
visit. During the inspection, they must abide by certain
restrictions in taking photographs and accessing
r e c o r d s .
Federal OSHA officials are authorized to interview
civilian employees or to be accompanied by employee
representatives during the inspection. Reports and
deficiency notices generated by federal OSHA officials
are sent up the chain of command to the CNO. Special
requirements exist concerning access to areas requiring
security clearances.
As a safety supervisor, you should know that OSHA
may inspect the work site of Navy civilians or
contractors. Federal OSHA officials may inspect Navy
civilian work sites. Federal and state OSHA officials
may inspect contractor work sites. Aboard ship, only
federal OSHA officials may inspect Navy civilian or
contractor work sites (fig. 6-4).
If your work center or area is staffed exclusively
with military personnel, OSHA officials have no
jurisdiction and are not authorized to conduct work-site
inspections. NAVOSH regulations cover inspections of
work centers or areas staffed strictly with military
personnel. Chapter 11 of OPNAVINST 5100.23C
provides details on these inspections.
In chapter 4, we discussed mishap investigation
techniques and procedures. Mishap reporting differs for